Chapter 8 : What is this? ♡

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Edwards POV;

It was a serene and calm evening. I left the local market after that scene, I need to talk to my father about this.

I decide to go to the house. I enter inside my fathers chamber and see him. He looks very calm and is drinking tea.

My father glances at me while taking a sip of his hot tea. He says "Oh Edward, my son, come on we didn't quite spend time with each other and we need to talk so much" in his strong british accent.

I say "Yes father we do need to talk to each other"

My father shows his hand toward the chair beside him signaling me to sit. I nod my head and sit on the chair.

I decided to start the conversation and say "Father, I need to ask u something ". My father says "Go ahead son".

I continue "Father, what were you doing in the market and why were you scaring that girl?"

My father smirks devilishly and says "Hmm you have quite noticed me son ! I was not scaring that girl and I just came there to see how everything was going on and that girl came in my way and also in the fight. Ahh she was the cherry on top, I saw her, she seems like an innocent doll"

I get irritated and furious and say "Father we should keep in our mind that this is not our country , we shall not do these things to them, this is their country"

My father says "Ahh you are same as your mother, I thought u would give me company daily and will be my partner in this. I am so disappointed to know but I knew that you always were like your mother.

I say " No father i shall not work with u in these kind of things and don't you ever call that girl a 'doll' "

I stressed more on the last word . How can he call her that. I know my father, he can make any move to hurt her or do something. I am not gonna let him hurt her, she is nothing but an innocent soul. I can't see that tears again in her beautiful black eyes.

My father chuckles "Hmm my son is so furious, for that girl i see! She got something in her right? I noticed that too, she's so brave, she attacked our officers today. I think that got you to fall in her trap. I think we should teach her a lesson in my way!"

With frustration i say "No father, I am not in her trap and neither will you do such things, she was just helping someone, actually it was our officers fault. They attacked her and she fought back for her own protection only"

My father shows a surprised face and quickly says "Woah, you're head over heels for her my child, you've changed a lot, what has she done to you huh?"

I am so angry that I want to break something so hard. I want to slap my father and I compose myself but I couldn't control my anger and say "Father she has done nothing to me and I am warning you that do not hurt her, if you go against my will and do something stupid, I swear father, i will do something more stupid and shall not see you as my father anymore , keep that in mind"

I storm off the room with so much anger without another glance on my father.

I can sense my father's harsh glare on my back but i ignore it and go to my room.

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