Chapter 3

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Chuuya POV

I open my eyes, waking up to the sound of my phone ringing. I yawn. It's probably Mori. I would answer the call...if I knew where my fucking phone was. I can't even tell by listening to the ringing. The ringing annoys me, and the issue is, I can't decline the call and make it stop, so I instead cover my head with the pillow I grabbed from beside me. It continues to ring, but eventually, it stops. I sigh, relieved. But then it starts ringing again. I guess I've got to get up and find my damn phone if I have any hope of making it shut up.

I stand up, my legs weak and barely able to hold my weight. The ringing sounds like it's behind me, and remembering back to before I fell asleep, I had it last on the arm of the couch. In that case, the only place it could be is...of course it was wedged in between the couch. I groan.

I fish my lower arms in between the couch, desperately searching, trying to feel for my phone. At last, I feel something, and, clutching it in my hand, I pull it out from in between the couch. I had finally found my phone.

Staring at the screen, I realised it was not Mori calling me. I stared at the screen while it vibrated and rang in my hand. I pressed accept, knowing damn well that the person on the line wouldn't quit trying to call me if I declined.

"Chibi!" The voice shouted through the phone.

"Dazai? What the fuck do you want?!"

"So, I may have a slight issue...and I may need your help."

"Fuck off. Deal with your own shit. Your problems. Your business. Not mine."

"But Chibi~" Dazai whined through the phone. I removed the phone from my ear and hit the hang up button. If he had a problem, then he could deal with it himself.

My phone started ringing again in my hand. I had a feeling that he probably wasn't going to give up easily. I hit accept.

"What?!" I yelled.

"Well, you see...the Agency may or may not have kicked me out and I may or may not have nowhere else to sleep tonight."


"But Chibi~ Where else am I going to sleep tonight?"

"Why don't you go back to that shipping container you used to live in?"

"Chuuya...that kinda hurt." I suddenly feel a little guilty, but there was no way he was staying in my apartment.

"Dazai..." I sigh. "You're not staying in my apartment, there's just not enough space."

"Well, too bad! You're just going to have to make space!"

Then the doorbell rings. You have got to be kidding me. Then again, what did I expect? It was Dazai after all.

I hang up the call and walk over to the front door. I unlock the door and open it, giving Dazai false hope of being able to sleep here before saying, "Fuck off, go find somewhere else to sleep," and slamming the door in his face, locking it behind me.

Before I even get to sigh of relief, the front door has been flung open, revealing Dazai, several suitcases and bags, as well as a paperclip in his hand. Apparently, I really need to think about Dazai-proofing my window and door locks.

Dazai comes in with his luggage, leaving it all in the entrance before wrapping his arms around me. "Thank you for letting me stay here for the night, Chuuya!" (A/N note: this sentence was my friend's idea, not mine).

"I never agreed to this Dazai! I never said you could stay!"

"Well, would you kick a lost dog back onto the street if it came up to you?"

"I thought you hated dogs- but, no. You're also not a dog though, Dazai."


"Fine. But don't expect to be sleeping anywhere better than the couch."

"Don't you have a guest room? Aren't you rich?"

"Why would I need a guest room? I never have guests, Dazai."

Dazai happily slumps himself onto the couch, leaving his luggage in the doorway.

"You can't just leave your stuff there, in the doorway! At least have the decency to move it, so, you know, we can actually enter and exit the house!"

"Hmm...can't be bothered. I already sat down."

"Dazai, I swear- You got in here about two minutes ago and I'm already really, really close to kicking you back onto the street!"

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed..." I heard Dazai mumble to himself.

(770 words)

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