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Bbangsaz wherein, [short ff/story]

Everyone in this story is 20+ except for Hyein, my baby.

This story contains some strong language but I don't know if I should include smut. I guess I'll try and see if I can make it work, but I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable, so we'll have to see. Enjoy!


Hanni's pov

I am here in my locker, writing something in my 'secret' diary. No one knows about it, but me, of course. Only I, can see and touch this diary..

My secret diary, which is about Minji.

I have had these feelings for her for almost two years now and they won't fade away. I haven't confessed to her yet because I know she'll reject me, just like the others who have confessed to her before, but were rejected anyway. Speaking of what I'm writing, it's...

"Hey Minji, it's been a year and you haven't noticed my feelings for you. I've been trying to give you some hints, but I guess you're kinda N-U-M-B. Soon, my feelings might be gone."

- 11-11-20 : I love you, Min.

Yeah, cringe right? but I don't think so... I'll stop writing about Minji soon. I will. I'm very sur- "Boo!"

I was startled as I turned around to see Minji, who had given me quite a scare. "You scared me, Minji," I chuckled.

"Oh, sorry," she replied. "By the way, can you help me with my science? Since you're quite good at it, could you tutor me?" I couldn't help but accept for two reasons: I had a soft spot for Minji and couldn't say no to her; also, I felt that helping her was the right thing to do.

"Thank youuu!" She replied excitedly as she pulled me closer. She was a cutie, but my cheeks felt quite hot as she kissed my cheek, a harmless friend gesture, but it caused my heart to race.

She had asked me what I was writing in my secret diary after seeing it. I was suddenly embarrassed as I realized it was about my secret crush on her. "What's that?"

"Oh, it's nothing," I replied, avoiding eye contact. "It's just a secret diary, and It's for my secret crush." I added as I blushed.

"Oh? Okay," she replied. "May I know who's your crush?"

"Ah n- I mean! I'll tell.. you my secret crush when the right time has come, I hope you understand." I replied with an ear-to-ear smile as I glanced over at Minji, who gave me a warm smile back. She seemed to understand what I was trying to say and wasn't too curious about who my crush was for now.

"Okay, I understand. You promise that, okay?" Minji was eager to understand my words, I guessed she was quite interested in finding out who my crush was.

"Yeah, anyways," I continued, trying to move the conversation onwards, "I'll tutor you in my home. I hope you don't mind."

"Sure," Minji said quickly, giving me a nod. She was fine with meeting up at my place

~~[at Hanni's house]~~

"I hope you understand it, Minji," I said, and she responded with "Yeah I understand." But as I looked at her, I knew that deep down, she didn't get it at all.

"If you really do, what is the difference between potential energy and kinetic energy?" I asked her, hoping to test her knowledge about the subject. But Minji was quick to admit defeat, saying, "Ummm... fine, I didn't understand it all. I still don't..!"

"Why are you so good at science and I don't!!" Minji said, raising her voice a little at me.

"Well I think math is the only subject you're good at??" I said, "Wowowowow rudee, that's a grade 10 lesson, we are not in grade 10 anymore." Minji said, laughing at me.

"So, what should we do now?" Minji asked me. "Uhm... should we-" But before I could finish, Minji placed her hand on my mouth and interrupted me. "Can I sleep over?" she said, "I don't care if you resist."

I was a bit surprised, but I couldn't really say no. "Uhm, I was wondering if we could just hango-" I tried once again.

"Hangout??!! Sure!!" she said excitedly, completely disregarding my suggestion.

"Sheesh, Min." I said.

"But first, your treat?" she asked, and I nodded eagerly in agreement. We were going to go out and enjoy a nice treat together, and I was excited to be on the receiving end of the treat this time. Her background and financial status were obviously much higher than mine, but that didn't bother me at all - in fact, it made me feel happy to be spoiled once in a while.

But before going out, she asked if I was sure. I assured her that I was, and I explained that my savings were enough to buy anything she wanted, except for 'that' experience. She simply nodded and said, "Okay." We headed out together with her holding tightly onto my waist as we ventured outside. We were both full of excitement and anticipation for the evening ahead.

"I guess I don't want to stop writing about Minji in my diary. I'm not sure why! But I find myself becoming fragile and sensitive when it comes to her. I guess I must be really in love with her. I don't know what it is that she has done to me, but I feel so drawn to her and so enamored by everything about her."

I said/thought in my mind.


"Hey, Hanni? You must be in deep thought -" Minji said while gently waving her hand in front of my face, trying to get my attention.

Startled by her gentle gesture and sweet smile, I apologized for being distracted but she didn't seem to mind at all. "Oh, wait, I'm sorry," I mumbled, still a little flustered.

"So let's go to the mall??" Minji asked, with a big and goofy smile on her face. In that moment, I realized that I was falling in hard and fast for her, her warmth and kindness drew me in, and I felt myself falling deeper and deeper in love with her with every passing second. As we headed off to the mall together, I felt my heart fluttering and my mind full of thoughts of the future we could have together. Okay that's enough now...


Okay, I will post the another chapter soon! I'm still busy :>

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