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"So what do you want to buy first?" I asked, smiling at her. "Uh, let's eat first. I'm hungry; let's head to Chowking!!" she said excitedly. As we headed to Chowking, I remembered that this place was Minji's favorite, but we only came here occasionally.

"Find a seat, and I'll order," I told her, and she found a seat for us as I headed off to order for both of us.

As I waited in line for our food, I couldn't help but smile at Minji and the thought of her smiling face. It was sweet, innocent, and so full of life. Every time she laughed or smiled, I felt my heart flutter and my spirits lift. I just wanted to be around her and soak up every moment we had together. I was truly falling in love, and it felt so right. But I knew that she would not like me because she said that she would 'study first.' But that didn't mind me at all; falling in love is enough for me.

As we ate, I couldn't help but marvel at Minji's joy and enthusiasm. Her excitement was infectious, and I found myself feeling more and more attracted to her. Her sweet, gentle smile and lively laugh always made my heart skip a beat. After finishing our meal, I decided to surprise Minji with a treat.

"I'll be right back; stay here; I'll be back!" I told her and then went off to the nearby convenience store. I quickly bought her favorite ice cream flavor and then returned to the table.

As soon as I handed Minji the ice cream, her face lit up with delight. "You remembered my favorite flavor!" she said with a smile as she took a spoonful of the creamy treat. I sat down and watched her enjoy herself, feeling grateful that I was able to make her happy with a simple gesture.

"Enjoy it," I said. As Minji continued eating, I couldn't resist admiring her beauty and sweetness.

My heart was still beating frantically while I observed Minji enjoying the ice cream. She was so captivating and lovely in this moment, her smile bringing joy to my heart. Her delicate features, her radiant gracefulness-everything about her was just captivating. Her presence was calming and peaceful, and even though we weren't dating, I felt a deep connection to her, like I'd known her for a long time.

"Thank you for the ice cream; I appreciate it a lot," Minji said, with a bright smile, as she finished the rest of her treat.

"You're most welcome, Minji; I'm really glad that you like it, "I replied, smiling back at her. As we continued chatting and getting to know each other, I couldn't help but feel more and more drawn to her. Minji was a wonderful girl who could make anyone fall in love with her, and I was no exception. Her innocence, her kindness, and her sweet nature were all traits that made me feel like she was the girl of my dreams. I was completely infatuated with her.

Minutes passed.

"Hey, I remember you're planning to have a sleepover at my house, so are you definitely staying over?" I asked Minji to confirm that she would be staying with me without a doubt.

"Yeah, I'm definitely going to. I miss it," Minji responded with a faint smile before smiling again. Her expression had a subtle shift, as if she were thinking about something else. Maybe she had conflicting thoughts about our sleeping arrangement, or maybe her thoughts were of a more personal and intimate nature.

"Okay, let's go home now?" I asked again

"Right, sure~".....

When we stepped out of the mall, I was surprised to see Minji's bodyguard standing right in front of us, greeting her with a warm and friendly smile. "Ma'am, you may come inside now, and you can bring a friend with you as well," he said politely.

I was a bit confused, since I didn't know that Minji had a bodyguard. But I wasn't one to judge, and I understood that she wanted to stay safe. "Oh, I see. Well, that's reasonable," I replied.

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