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After many months of hard work and dedication, I'm finally able to publish. However, I must also admit that my schedule has become busier with each passing day. So, I promise to make it up to you guys by spoiling y'all with an upcoming chapter soon! And from this point onward, I've decided that I won't use a chapter title anymore, as I'm too lazy to think of one every time.

This chapter will be short.

Not related but it's Jungwon's birthday!


"How the hell am I going to cover these marks up?" Hanni yelled at the mirror with exasperation. "The ones on my neck, shoulder, and collarbone are easy enough to hide, but the ones on my thighs and legs are going to be a little bit more complicated."

Hanni continued to talk to herself in the mirror, becoming more flustered and agitated with every word. She was starting to feel ashamed of the marks and felt like it might have been improper of Minji to have been so aggressive with her in that way.

Hanni's mind started to panic more, and she continued yelling at the mirror in front of her.

"I can't let people see these! They'll know what happened yesterday and that I let Minji make those markings on my body. They might get the wrong idea or assume the worse and I don't want to deal with their reactions."

Hanni sighed deeply and decided that the marks didn't matter to her. She realized that people might have different ideas about what the marks meant, that it could be bruises, bites, or something more.

When she walked out of the bathroom, she saw Minji sleeping peacefully. She was relieved that Minji had been drunk and probably wouldn't remember what happened. That meant that she wouldn't have to worry about her reaction. She could just lie to her friends and say the marks were of something else.

"Yeah, I enjoyed it, but she was just drunk, and it was just one night." Hanni said to herself. She felt relieved that Minji wouldn't remember what had happened. She had enjoyed it, but she didn't want anything to come up between them or for their friendship to be affected.

"I'll just lie to people. I'll tell them that those markings are just bruises or something else. That way, my reputation won't get ruined and I won't have to deal with people asking me too many questions."

Hanni's pov

Even though I said that, I tried to hide the marks that Minji left, but they were too visible and I couldn't hide them completely.

I gave up, I don't care anymore.

I'm in my house now.


In the morning, I woke up early to chat with Jay, who wrote several messages and was concerned about me. I kept reminding myself of the night, which was hot and sexy, but I should forget about it because Minji was just drunk at the time.

That night, I couldn't get Minji out of my head. My stomach ached when I remembered how hot and sexy her body was against mine. I tried to distract myself by doing other things, but I kept thinking back to that moment. It was impossible to forget.


I arrived at school and saw Minji waiting for me. I glanced at her neck, which was the spot I had bitten the night before, and immediately blushed silently. I guess she doesnt know about that. I proceeded towards her but Jay snatched my hand.

"I was so worried about you, why didn't you message me"? he asked. I looked over to Minji, and saw her smile fading. She turned away and entered the school. I felt bad, but I also felt bad for Jay who seemed so concerned.

Jay keep asking me about what happened to me yesterday or maybe last night?

I am not paying attention to Jay, nor listening to him. I was just focused on Minji entering the school. Before she went in, she turned her head to look at me and then smiled at me. I don't know, because I can't see her clearly as she is far away. Was it a smirk or a smile?

Maybe it was meant for someone else? No, it should be for me.

"Hanni!" Jay called out, breaking my trance. I turned my attention back towards him.

"Oh, sorry. I was just thinking deep." I responded awkwardly. The truth was, Minji was all I could think about. I love(d) her so much, but I felt bad for Jay too. I didn't know what to do about my conflicted feelings.

Me and Jay entered the classroom, and Jay asked, "Do you want to sit with me?" I hesitated for a second, about to say "no" to him, but Minji cut me off.

"Yeah, she can be your seatmate," Minji said.

I looked at Minji, surprised but slightly pleased. "Are you sure?" I asked, looking at Minji for confirmation.

"Of course," Minji replied, touching my nose gently.

"Okay..." I replied, feeling slightly guilty about leaving Minji alone but hoping that she would be at peace with that.

As I sat next to Jay, he commented about my neck. "Hanni, what happened to your neck?" he asked, noticing the bruises and red marks.

I felt my face flush and was suddenly reminded of the previous night. "Ah, it's, nothing! Yes, it's just bug bites," I added nervously, trying to pretend. (Minji is that bug.)

"Oh, okay..." Jay responded, and I had a feeling that he was still worried about the marks on my neck but didn't press me for answers.

A minute later, I noticed a girl approach Minji and ask to be her seatmate. I felt a pang of jealousy, though I wasn't quite sure why.

"Sure, since my old seatmate is sitting with someone," Minji responded, referring to me. I tried to calm my feelings of jealousy and told myself that it was just a seatmate.


At recess, I grabbed my lunchbox and ran over to Minji. "Hey, Minji, can we eat together?" I asked.

But she was interrupted by the girl who had become her new seatmate. "Sorry to disturb you, but Minji is eating with me," the girl said.

Minji pointed to Jay, who was inviting me to eat with him with his eyes. I clenched my fist secretly, feeling jealous and hurt. She's stealing my Minji...

I reluctantly went to eat with Jay, but it was boring.

I was lost in deep thought, thinking that I really wished I had refused to sit with Jay.

I thought, "How can I be Minji's seatmate again?? This is so annoying."

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