Hell on Earth

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T-00:05:00 for military backup arrival:

"All personnel, evacuate the facility. The bunkers will open in five minutes," the cold, robotic voice of the intercom echoed through the dimly lit corridors. Sirens wailed, piercing the air with urgency. Desperation filled the scene as frantic personnel raced towards the underground bunkers. Those above floor 2 found themselves trapped, separated from safety by collapsed stairwells. Panic and chaos engulfed them, as people attempted desperate leaps, their bones shattering on impact. They crawled onward, unknowingly inching closer to salvation. Little did the trapped staff realize, the stairwell's collapse would prove to be their possible survival.

T-00:04:30 for military backup arrival:

"Someone! Send help! They're not human! They're monsters, devils!" A voice screamed in terror over the intercom, the words strained and filled with dread. "They're conjuring balls of fire from thin air! They're slaughtering us all! Please!!! SEND HE-AARGH *boom* AAAAAAA *chick chick* !!!!" The last thing they heard was inhuman sound which sounded like an eagle screeching but on a very low tone followed by the man burning to death.

T-00:02:00 for military backup arrival:

Amidst the relentless stress, survivors frantically moved from the third floor to the fourth, escaping the encroaching flames. A resolute man's voice cut through the chaos, rallying those around him. "I have an idea!" He yelled, getting everyones immediate attention. A tense silence hung in the air before he continued, "Who among us knows how to wield a weapon and dares to face death head-on?" No one spoke, until a lone hand ascended. "You're all too afraid to try and save yourselves? Don't you want to see your families?" The man challenged, prompting more hands to rise in reluctant agreement. "Good! Follow me to the guards' equipment room on the fourth floor of section 8. We'll arm ourselves and teach those monsters a lesson!!!"

T-00:00:00 for military backup arrival, Y/N's POV:

'What a mess, it's like a scene of Hell on Earth' I thought, surveying the half collapsed research facility, once a bastion of secrets and experiments that was the R.F.F.S.G.E. (Research Facility For Secret Governmental Experiments). A soldier pointed towards shadowy figures moving inside a partially collapsed building. "I think they're survivors!" A young scout exclaimed, his optimism unwavering. He ventured forth, disappearing into the building's darkness. We vaguely heard his last words: "The military's here! Everything will be okay! Wait, guys?" Then, a piercing scream followed by a gunshot shattered the fleeting hope. "Alpha 1, breach from the collapsed side! Beta 7 and Omega 9, approach through the northeast entrance!" The commander's orders triggered immediate responses from the squads. Me and a few hundred other soldiers remained watching. I was an SSS-ULTRA MARINE, codenamed: Slayer, a force feared by foes and revered by allies. I embodied the Government's last hope in times of war.

We saw the brave soldiers enter, we saw them try to calm the survivors down, we saw how the survivors fought against the soldiers, we saw balls of fire come out of nowhere and we saw them die. Seven hundred men, some of the most elite and well-trained soldiers, were gone, leaving earth and ascending to the heavens. Leaving the relentless onslaught they had just faced.

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