Got to know about nightmairs

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Taehyung's POV:-

I am sitting in front of Joon Hyung who is just staring into my eyes ,I really want to shout that Hyung if you want to say anything please say don't be silent It's scaring me more but (sigh) if I say it he would doubt more that something is really not ok

Tae:' H_Hyung !!' I literally whine and Hyung sighed and spoke

Namjoon:' Are you alright Taehyungaa  ?' wow Hyung really is so straight forward not twisting words he just come to point

Tae:' What are you talking about Hyung ' I asked back not meeting his eyes ,well I don't have courage to look in his eyes after lying

Namjoon:' You know what I am asking ! Or else you wouldn't have look away ' Hyung said in little strict tone, and now I know that I mess up

Tae:' I am ok Hyung ,why would you ask it ' I said in low voice ,well I know that Hyung know that I am lying

Namjoon's POV:-

This boy !!!! I want to smack his head and tell him that we are here for him ,He can talk to us anytime, but I can't !

Because this is Taehyung ,He will never share any problems with us thinking it will worry us ,He will always be there with us when we need him but will never bother us about his issues and that's how he always do ,sometimes I want  him to know  we never take him as burden, and he isn't troublemaker, but I can't !

I know, we all know what's up to him and what's happening in industry and among armies, but we can't help him until he open to us ,if he is like I am all ok how will  it work

Namjoon:' Hmm No , It's ok as far you are ok ,( sigh) I am just worried about you TAE ,see you hurt your hand pretty badly, and you don't look like yourself lately ,and it is worrying me ,I won't force no one will force you to  say anything but just remember we are always here for you ,you are not alone ,feel free to come to any of us if you don't feel ok ,but just suffer alone ,we will be glad if you consider us to come and share your doubts ,we are your brothers ,your Hyungs  !!' well I said what I feel like I can say less ,this kid should know he matters more to us than anything ,I patted his shoulder and ruffled his hair ,he was quiet all time ,

Namjoon:' I can rely on you right TAE!!' I asked when he didn't say anything, and he just nods ,this boy!

Namjoon:' Ok I am leaving now ,come  downstairs for dinner ,Jin Hyung  was calling you ' I said leaving room

Taehyung's POV :-

Hyung's words hit me !

Why I am hiding that I have sleeping problem and I usually skip meals !! (sigh) Because I don't want them to worry but ain't I am worrying them all more by hiding it ,I don't know what to do ! How to deal with this state ,but I know if I quit it now I will be ashamed on myself for rest of my life ,I will deal with this all and won't let anyone disappoint on me not my members not army not my parents and not my grandma !

Hobi 's POV :-

Jin:'  Hobaa please go and drag that brat here  for dinner Or I will beat his ass today ' Jin Hyung said to me as I finished eating

Hobi:' Ok Hyung ' I said and head toward TAE's room

Namjoon was with him a few minutes before ,he might have talk to him ,and I believe Joonial's he talked to him wisely ,well Joon is our  Mr. Intelligent he knows how to deal with things normally ,and when It comes to members and our doseanges he is more careful. About TAE ,he is going through hard phase of idol life ,being popular but being hated ,no one in our group get this much hate till ,surely we all were criticized and degraded in our debut time by other idols and companies even other fandoms, but it was like we all were targets but with time when we start getting fame ,we start getting love ,this started ,not just with TAE, but other members get hate for things too but less than TAE ,sending hate comment to fake news its getting worse ,sometime I want to beat those people who indend to start hate campaign against our TAE , its hurts a lot of seeing our brother ,our TAE changing so much ,he is as humble, cute , loving , unique as he was before but the thing which start changing in him is his self-confident ,the boy who never care what others will say and talk about him on his weird things and actions he turns into a boy who start thinking that will he survive in K-pop even ,fame  have  these type of effects too. He is changing. He has start pretending. He has start distancing. I just hope he won't lost himself in this all.

I knocked at door a little ,not like  I always do , I entered and found him sleeping on his stomach with his phone in his hand

I walked toward him and took the phone put it on charging then turn the lights off ,cover him in blanket and was about to go but change my mind

I messaged Jin Hyung that TAE is sleeping, and I am staying in his room tonight ,Hyung replied ok and make sure he eats if he wakes up in mid-time

I slide under covers with Tae and hugged him ,he looks too cute like eyes half open ,lips pouty and cheeks puffy ,he looks just so calm like that

I am actually not sleepy but just want to be here ,it'sus a long time ,like a week and two ,we didn't get any time to spend together as we have so much practices ,vocals ,dance and our next comeback is really tough ,

I just laid hugging him when he startse mumbling something while sweating ,I tried to hear what he was saying but didn't get anything beside' no '  and ' don't say that' I am quite worried as he seems like crying in sleep , I wiped his tears and tap his cheeks

Hobi:' TAE ! '

Hobi:' TAE get up ,are you ok ' but he was not getting up and I don't know what to do, so I turn him toward me and hug him tightly ,rubbing his back and trying to call him

Hobi:'  its!  OK! its ok! See hyung is here! '

Hobi:' its just nightmare ! don't be afraid ! Everything  is ok ' I continuously said soothing words in his ears softly, and it actually helps as in few minutes he stopped his all movements and snuggle in my arms and slept quietly

I can't even describe in words how much I was afraid ,still my heart is beating so fast like it will just come out anytime ,but I calm myself.

Then I was trying to sleep as well when door open and Jimin entered !

Jimin's POV :-

I am going to beat that TAE ! He again skips his meals ,last time I didn't tell hyung about his habit of skipping meal  as this soulmate of mine pleaded with his puppy eyes which I can never resist, but that  doesn't mean he can do anything !!! I am going to beat his ass !

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