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The boys know that they messed up .
But the promised to be strength of their brother this time ,instead of leaving him all alone the will definitely become the shoulder he would lean on .

Its been days after tae officially woke up from his coma ,They were revealed seeing him getting ok ,His actor friends came to meet him ,But they never saw him smiling like before with anyone ,they wondered What was bothering him ,he would always panicked when he was said to close his eyes and sleep . He even have cried to not send him to sleep when they were not around him .And this all worried them more When they think He was getting better this all started ,Tae was getting quiet which was so unlikely of their tae .He was getting silent and that has start haunting them .

Jimin : ( they were waiting outside tae's room as Doctor was changing his bandages when he asked ) Hyung do you think tae is hiding something from us ?

Yoongi:( asked back ) Do you think he wasn't hiding his depression from us before all this ? ( he snapped back )

Namjoon: Hyung ( he placed his hand over yoongi's shoulder to calm the older who seems so frustrated right now )

Yoongi: What Joon ! Okay lets be clear for once ! We all know he was depressed ,he was having trouble sleeping ,nightmares and all of us ignored ,I am not gonna say we didn't notice cause we did and ignore it ,and at the end we blamed him and accused him that he is doing all this for attention ! Come On do you think we would say things to him and he will again trust us and share his problem with us ! And then you have the audiency to ask If he is hiding something .( he rolled his eyes at all of them) Now who is being pathetic and naive ? Him or us ?

Jin: Yoongi _

Yoongi: If I am wrong than say whatever you want hyung ,But I am right here ! We ignored him before and accused him ,he won't trust us again !He won't even tell us if there is something troubling him ! ( he said and stomped out the hallway )

No matter what they all know Yoongi was right , Trusting someone again is hardest .

Jungkook: He is getting silent hyung ,He isn't Tae anymore He is not talking like he used to ( he said with teary eyes )

Namjoon: He is recovering ,when he will be healthy everything will be okay ( he said ensuring members or more likely himself )

Tae was actually going through post_traumatic stress ,he would get flashes of car accident and nighmares depending upon what he fears the most and thats actually why he was becoming silent. He had nightmares before too but these were so bad that he would woke up yelping everytime .

When Members get to know about tae's going through post_traumatic stress they were more than worried .They exactly know what tae waa going throufha nd what pained them more was seeing tae's painful eyes everytime he would wake up from his slumber .They tried .They actually tried to win his trust again ,It took them weeks .It took Tae weeks to trust them again but he finally told them about his nightmares ,how he can't sleep and how he feel like dieing again and again . He told them seeing Haneul again and again and how he can't even touch him ,can't even say a sorry or hug him .And the guilt wasn't helping too ,They know ,he know too he can never forgive himself for Haneul's death .

Love me again ( taehyung centric ff ) [ Completed ] Where stories live. Discover now