part 14 (reveal)

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Ayush nodded and said her to continue

"It's about Rashi " Mansi said making ayush shocked

Mansi hold ayush's hand
"Listen please listen everything first... Okay relax... Actually I know rashi and she is not dead... " Mansi said

"Huh? " Ayush asked being shocked and confused

"Yes I'm not lying... Trust me.. I'll tell you everything" Mansi said and squeezed ayush's hand

"I met rashi 2 years friend introduced her as his girlfriend
My friend is Aaron William... He is CEO of Arach's Ltd. And he is mafia leader as well.. 2 years ago I went to Italy... One day..
I was driving on streets of Italy when I saw a man is injured... I immediately stopped the car and helped him to sit in my car... I take him to hospital... I stay with him for 1 day after that he get conscious... Then I called his family... His friend NICK , his sister AMELIA and a girl RASHI came as his gf ... Then he introduced them to me.... And he and all of them thanked me to save his life... Then i got to know that rashi is from India...thats how I met her...Then I told them that I came there for business deal... So they offered me to stay  at their house and they will gave me tour to Italy.. I agreed after that I got to know that rashi is from India... So we bonded instantly... I got to know that how she came to study and met Aaron and fall in love with him... I knew that she has 2 brothers , a sister... But I didn't knew about their names and all... After 2 weeks I came back to India... But still we are were in contact with each other... Me, Aaron, nick, amelia and rashi...
After 6 months we came to know that rashi is missing... We tried to find her but everything was in vain... Aaron... He was not in good condition... He was in coma for 4 months...after that
he woke up ... He missed her too much... We all lose hope but he -he didn't he said that his rashi is alive...he still tried his best to find her... And before 3 months of our marriage.... He got to know that one of his rivals has kidnapped rashi.... He tried his best to collect proofs... Find her location... And after such long time... He finally found her location... And today today he planned to attack on that rival to rescue rashi.... " Mansi said

Till the time both of them were crying

"Ra-rashi di... She -she is alive " Ayush asked with tears

Mansi wiped his tears
"Yes ayush she is alive... Our rashi us alive... And soon we will meet her ayush" Mansi said with a smile

Ayush hugged her immediately

Both cried in each other's arms

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Both cried in each other's arms...
"Ayush don't cry " Mansi sajd cupping her cheeks... She then wiped his tears with her thumbs... They both were looking in each other's eyes with soft smile on their lips...

"So Mr. Ayush singhania are you excited to meet your rashi di? " Mansi asked her

"Yes " Ayush said with a smile

Suddenly mansi's phone ranged

It was amelia

"Hello yes amelia " Mansi said after picking the call

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