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Mansi was making tea for herself when suddenly she felt dizzy...

Avni came inside kitchen and hold her "hey what happen? You ok? "

Mansi nodded "I don't know I felt dizzy" Saying this suddenly mansi fainted

Avni yelled calling everyone.. Ayush picked her in his arms and rushed towards car.. Raj sat on driver seat with ayush sitting in backseat with mansi on his lap

Raj, avni, ayush were waiting outside.. Then doctor came after some time,

"Congratulations.. Mr. Singhania, your wife is pregnant " Doctor told them with a smile on her face

Ayush's eyes widened listening this news..
Everyone get surprised and congratulated ayush.
Raj hugged him "I'm going to become bade papa.. Yes.. " He said hugging him tightly

Ayush looked down and smiled saying .."I'll meet her" He said and went inside

Mansi was laying on bed.. He sat near her with moist eyes.. He kissed her hand softly and murmured "thank you"

"For what? What did doctor said? " Mansi asked not knowing anything

Ayush looked at her and kissed her forehead "we are going to become parents.. You have a tiny cute little bean inside 5his belly of yours" He said roaming his hand on her stomach lovingly

Mansi's eyes widened listening this.. She looked at him in shock "re.really ayush.. You are not joking na.. I'm going to be a mother.. " She asked and tears rolled down her cheeks

"Yes darling.. " He said and helped mansi sitting comfortably

She hugged him tightly and shed tears of happiness

Ayush patted her back gently.. "Don't cry na.. You know I hate tears in your beautiful eyes"

Mansi chuckled and parted from hug.. Ayush wiped her tears with his handkerchief

Mansi hold his hand and put it on her stomach.. "I will try to become best mother for ny baby.. I'll give him a lot of love not like me who didn't get any love.. I'll never make her or him sad.. " She said with a smile

Ayush smiled and kissed her head "I know you will be.. "


"Ayush, how I'm looking? " Mansi asked twirling in her golden lehenga

Ayush looked at her in admiration with open mouth.. Completely stunned by her beauty..

She was wearing golden lehenga and ayush was also wearing golden kurta... Today was diwali and both were ready.. It was 2 months of her being pregnant

He came near her and pulled her "gorgeous.. " He said and joined their foreheads

Mansi smiled and said "we are twinning"

Ayush nodded..

He started coming towards her lips but she pushed him and giggled "ayush. We have to do pooja.. So no unholy things"

Ayush smirked and said "I'll see you after pooja.. "

They both went downstairs for pooja..

"Wait here.. " Buaji stop them and put kajal behind their ears

"I don't want ki kisi ki najar lage tumhe" She said to them..

Mansi came near buaji and put her hands on her shoulder. "Ok buaji.. Let's go.. " She said and went together..

Due to hormones, Mansi was now behaving very naughty.. Always teasing everyone and pranking and asked about his so she innocently gave replies.. "I'm not like this.. It's baby who is doing this.. Baby is going to be naughty.. So bear it.. I can't control.. " Making everyone laugh

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