Chapter 21 - *No* ... Yes

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Tw: blood French kissing

"Fucking hell," Swiss so much as stepped into the room.

Dew was curled to you, and you were both dressed perfectly in your pyjamas as they had survived the battle by being completely omitted from it. In the early morning, you realised the only way you'd sleep was if your bodies were covered.

During the night, Dew's eyes had rolled open each time you jolted awake, ready for death, and he'd administered a kiss or a snuffle until you fell back to sleep again. He was killing you with how sweet he was.

Rain made a soft sound following behind Swiss.

Dew stretched and woke with his usual glare, narrowing a look to Swiss, daring him to say something.

"You have a good night, sweetheart?" Swiss purred and rounded the bed to throw an arm around Dewdrop.

Dew only growled a little.

"Think that means yes~?" You twinkled and piqued a brow.

Rain nervously perched by you, and almost because Swiss had shown it was okay to do, he tugged an arm around you. "Is this.. okay?" He asked softly.

Sodo grumbled some more.

"Yes, Rain," you murmured, rubbing your nose to Dew's shoulder.

"You guys didn't..." Swiss looked around the room as if the smell alone didn't tell him what the two of you had gotten up to.

You shrugged; you could still smell sex on Rain too, as he settled further next to you, tail curling your stomach. Shit, he was cute.

"—go and fall in love, did you?" Swiss finished.

You shrugged, "Yeah," as Dew said, "No."

You chuckled, looking at Sodo. He wasn't particularly up front, was he? You would be offended but could see a faint blush on his cheeks.

"Well, which is it?" Swiss grinned.

"I don't know," you squinted at the fire ghoul. "I'll leave it up to Dew."

Rain and Swiss both gave him a look, and he growled low, "fuck off and go away." Had to be feared until the end, huh?

"Right if we have to..." you began withdrawing.

"Not you," he tugged you back, and you laughed.

Swiss clicked his tongue and shook his head; he didn't need to speak for you to understand that he thought Dew was helpless. "Been a while since we've dealt with fresh love in the ranks."

"Boss wants to discuss plans," Rain murmured softly, touching his nose briefly to your shoulder before withdrawing.

Swiss looked from Rain to you, "Are you going to infect me next?"

Rain blushed and hid his face in the back of his hand.

"Only if you're not on top of your game," you smirked.

"Sweetheart, I am the game," he gave you a Swiss grin.

And you flinched as you suddenly felt Dewdrop's teeth sink into your throat.

"Eugh, you're such a fucking child," you hissed.

He pulled back, looking proud of himself, marking you as his—red and bloody.

"Boss is... fff...uck.." Phantom sagged to the doorframe. "Rule is broken then?"

"Doesn't extend to humans—lives are too short," Cirrus folded her arms in the hallway. "We are in a war here, boys, so in your own time, yeah?" Her feline eyes trailed your body between Rain and Dew.

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