Obscure Presences and Obscure Words

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Whatever was written on the floor certainly didn't look reassuring.

«Can you read what is written there?» I asked. Sebas shook his head: «I can recognise the letters, but when I try to read what is written, the meaning escapes me and I cannot understand it. I thought maybe you might have better luck».
Nate leaned down beside us and glanced at the text. «I can read it». He threw it out so casually that I didn't pay attention to it.
After a while I processed his words and glanced at him.
«How...?» I tried to ask, but he interrupted me: «I don't know Ellie, but we might as well take advantage of it. Do you have any way to write down what it says?» he asked. I checked my backpack, looking for a piece of paper and a pen, but nothing. Fortunately Sebas had everything we needed.
And even today we were saved by our master. I could get used to it.
«Anytime kid» Sebas said, preparing to write.
«Um, okay. I'll go then» Nate began. «It should say something like this:

When the last war leads to world's end
The Herald arises from darkness,
Wings of light and dark spread afar
Embrace the world in their hold.

Mysterious are the Gifts of the Elders,
We fail to comprehend thus the meaning
still unclear of the eternal damnation.
Three friends go into battle.
One is captured,
Two run away.

Dreams of what could have been failed,
Pride is lost,
The Wings of Freedom stripped away.
There is no hate though, only joy
For you, blessed by the Elders,
Saviors of worlds.

My friends, do you run away now?
To a world that fears you and me?
All that awaits you is a somber morrow.
All through space and time
My soul, grasping its desire,
Hath endured suffering, to find peace
In my own redemption
And your eternal salvation.

My friends, Fate is cruel,
There are no dreams, no honour remains
as we face the Herald's advent.
My friends, your will is the
The true Gift of the Elders.
Legends perhaps will speak
Of sacrifice at world's end.

Even if the world holds nothing
but empty words of hatred,
I offer thee this silent sacrifice,
O reader of mine

That should be everything» Nate finished saying.

Yep, not looking good.


«So. Let's brainstorm it together» I started saying. «Do we all agree that the frescoes represent what is written in this text?» Nate and Sebas nodded vehemently in earnest.

«Excellent. So now some questions arise» I added. «Just to name a few: who are the Three Friends? Who or what is the Herald? Why has one of the Three been imprisoned here?»

No matter how hard I tried to find a logical sense behind what we had just seen and read, I could not come to terms with the situation. «I don't know Ellie» Nate replied. «It is possible that this is simply a temple from ancient times. There's a lot we still don't know about that period».

Sebas nodded as he looked around: «I have to agree with the boy, whatever was built here, whatever it represented...it's clear that it was not intended to be discovered. Regardless of the historical reliability of what we have found, however, I must say that this discovery may present considerable interesting elements for the history or development of the figurative arts». Nate emphasised his every word, nodding with conviction. Their talk, however, did not convince me completely. Maybe I was being unnecessarily paranoid, but I had strong doubts that all this could be dismissed with a simple «How beautiful! Art from ancient times!»

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