First meeting

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Philomel cried on her bed no one wanted her she was desperate to warn her father's love but no avail.

That was until she meet a man who took her under his wing.

"Philomel?" The man asked "Why aren't you with your teachers?" The professor asked he was currently hiding in her room "There horrible teachers I want you to be my teacher" Ludger sighed.

Currently Philomel was under his guidance Ludger once in a while came to her room she learns so much from him what's more shocking is that she could do magic.

Philomel was in distress at that time after learning that her life is a lie when she learned the whole staff hated her and her father never loved her not once she was shown any love from anyone.

"It's late you need to sleep" Ludger said "But you're leaving I don't want to be alone..." Philomel sobbed "Please I want to..." Ludger looked at the girl pitifully he remembered the time he didn't have a father figure this girl has none.

"I guess a night wouldn't be bad" he stroked her hair "mister will you work in the palace?" Ludger was confused "I want to be greedy I really like you".

Ludger let the child cry on his expensive suit "sorry..." she mumbled "don't worry it's just clothing it could be replaced" he comforted her "but no one could replace you.

Philomel woke up to find the man in the room in a chair as he was reading some books "you're still here..." she spoke softly the man looked to her "of course I'm not a cruel man little one I never liked crying children" Ludger walked to her bed "I snuck into the kitchen to feed you some food and myself it seems the staff lacked... anything"  Philomel smiled.

Ludger saw the kid who sparked at his cooking she at it so dearly moaning at the taste his inner child screamed all he wants is to pinch the child's cheeks as they are full like a squirrel.

Philomel was full she burped the air she consumed Ludger chuckled "excuse you".

Ludger hear footsteps coming closer quickly he hid.

"Good morning father..." Philomel blankly greeted.

"I see you have recovered" Philomel looked away "yes I have father" the man walked away.

'This man at least try to see the bigger picture!'

Ludger was clearly trying to NOT burst out of the closet clearly displeased.

Philomel was being dressed with a a plain yet expensive dress Ludger could buy better clothes.

No place for a fake... no I am the daughter of a fake professor Where stories live. Discover now