Little miss perfect

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Philomel had meet secretly with Ludger having to take secret lessons from him even learn magic from him her master element she could master a while bunch elemental element which she was happy at how she is similar to Ludger she tries to cast spells like him but failed ending at a hole in the garden Ludger had to use magic to escape the mess once he did he had to take his medication making Philomel cry she repeated an apology saying she is the worse but Ludger simply said "it's alright it's your magic not mine it takes time to master these elements and the different combinations of magic so wipe your tears child".

Eventually Philomel had been ditching her duties just to meet with Ludger of course there were times when she couldn't escape from her duties.

"Princess what are you drawing?" Philomel could sense a sugar coated bitter insult in her voice "Daddy" Philomel said the nanny looked close at the drawing.

The nanny looked at the drawing she blinked to check again as her drawing looks both like the emperor.

"Princess that looks nothing like the emperor" Philomel looked at her and repeated "That's my daddy" she continued to color the drawing.

The nanny told the emperor anyways as once he heard this he went into her room and asked her the same thing.

"This is my daddy"

"But isn't his majesty your father?" Philomel tilted her head "no this is daddy he's nice and warm" Philomel hugged the stuffed animal.

Eustice blinked.

"Daddy gives me so many sweets and love" Philomel smiled.


This caused a ruckus within the emperor's mind this girl...

The sound of silence wasn't helping.

Philomel during those years ignored the emperor she looks nor acts nothing like her "father" but she still lingers long enough to live a stable life she was only attached to him like a leach feeding his wealth he is her public father.

Ludger was close to her she attached to him quickly he was the only one who gave her true affection over the years she tried to get her fathers attention and love but no avail she tried she really did...

"Philomel don't people like him wouldn't look at you it's time to give up" he looked at her teared eyes "Philomel there is a time to give up and move forward don't be consumed by an unfulfilling desire that might drag you to an abyss a deep rabbit hole that wouldn't end".

As he said these Philomel teared hugging him Ludger had to protect her she was innocent after all "Philomel there will be a time where you have to cut ties with an object let it go" he wiped her tears "I don't know when but it's your call to leave the birds nest everyone will someday fly on their own".

Philomel couldn't ask for more she nodded as she tries to cheer up giving him a smile "you look like a crying crocodile" Ludger joked Philomel puffed her cheeks like a squirrel as her face turned red she tries to hit on him try to punch his back but it was literally like a massage the strength of a kitten to Ludger.


Philomel was practicing her magic with Ludger waving her wand she had been practicing with her magic she was getting better without a wand too.

"20 seconds" Ludger counted his timer "not bad for a little girl" Philomel had been living a double life she was now fifteen years old she had been with her fiancé trying to be a perfect wife but she hated it.

Ludger watched her grow soon it will be time for her to part ways.

Philomel panted giving Ludger a thumbs up she was sweating like crazy.

"I did it..." she panted Ludger smiled looking at the damage she did in casting a powerful spell that might question the magic tower "Yes you did child now clean yourself up you have a meeting with your fiancé after all".

Philomel huffed mumbling old geezer as she walked farther from him.

Ludger was dumbfounded be shrugged it off as teenager's being rebellious.


Philomel was dressed in her gown she wanted to get rid of these clothes she rather wear her outfits bought by Ludger last time this tantrum happened as Ludger tried to make her dress normally but she refused saying she rather die than wear these clothing so Ludger bought her a jewelry once in a while she would collect materials junk and Ludger would create jewelry of them.

She saw her fiancee she felt nothing towards these people she blankly created a fake atmosphere she would put on her fake mask...

Philomel was exhausted talking to her fiancee was nice he isn't at fault but she wished she could do better.

She walked on the hallways empty and lonely she looked at the distance the windows glowed the sun rays hit her skin she could do nothing but look at herself.

"Philomel" she look at her father who called her name.

"You are absent with your studies" he blankly says "Why did you turn down those tutors?" He simply asked Philomel stared at him she didn't respond "Though you still managed to pass every test and question they asked so did you find any discomfort in these tutors?"

Philomel answered "No, I just don't like it" she was referring to the cold palace "I want to study in a far land father" Eustice was confused.

"Why?" He simply asked Philomel took a deep breath "I want to meet new people" she smiled.

Eustice sighed "As long as you continue your studies" he walked passed her.

"Oh Philomel I'm proud of you" Philomel's eyes widened "proud of what?" She asked "You did well in your studies and I wish to spend more time with you" Philomel's hand was shaking "I want you to know I have not been in your life but I am proud of you I enjoy your company..." each word out of him made Philomel grit her teeth she should be happy... she should be satisfied... she should be... but why isn't she?

Philomel watched her father walk away from her...her tears fell on her face but this isn't tears of happiness but of hate and disgust she feels nothing from this man only... the feeling of a stranger... like they only meet for the first time and the feeling of what you would feel towards a tyrant.

No place for a fake... no I am the daughter of a fake professor Where stories live. Discover now