Smart princess

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Ludger walked the city kidnapping the princess well more as like taking her for a decent walk.

Seriously the emperor needs to pay child support and mental damage.

Philomel was given small trinkets how Ludger managed to have this money is obvious he put his wallet out in the open some unlucky thugs were robed their own money wallets and so on (don't tell).

Philomel was greeted with sweets too something she didn't have at the palace "mister I want that one" she said as Ludger looked at to where she was pointing it was a raven stuff you with Victorian clothes...

Ludger just bought it without a second thought Philomel just want the toy because it looks like him.

"Mister what's your name?" Ludger rolled his eyes "in a greeting always ask them first what is their name or the other way around so you wouldn't be strangers".

Philomel giggled "yes mister...." She paused "Ludger..." he didn't Finnish his last name just so the child wouldn't be confused.

The day went on Philomel was dressed almost in his attire Ludger had no idea but she copied his style of clothes just girly.


The sun was about to set no one even knows that their princess is missing they assume she was lazing around.

That was until a maid found out...

Everyone looked for the princess not for her safety but their jobs eventually this reaches the emperor who was angry so he searched the entire palace.

Soon it was dark no one could find her it was a mess though Eustice the emperor felt a whole lot of emotions one was worry and fear he doesn't know why...

He heard a faint giggle of that of a child he quickly followed the sound but it was dying he ran fast seeing a man holding Philomel carefully in his arms sleeping Eustice was going to scold the man but he climbed the walls Eustice knew this man was a magician he would have to look for his history.

Philomel had the best day of her life she slept throughout the night Ludger changed her clothes with a simple magic trick as to not disturb her nor break privacy.

He heard footsteps so he rushed outside.

Eustice found his daughter asleep he looked for the man in her room but it was empty so he escaped he looked at his daughter who was sleeping soundly when she was clearly kidnapped.

Eustice has to tighten up security looking once more at the child who was cuddling a stuffed animal.
Philomel was woken up to a tight security everyone was keeping a close eye on her she pouted on everyone saying she's really fine and she doesn't need protection....

"Ugh what an ungrateful brat she is"

"She's lucky the emperor cares about her"

"She's nothing but a spoiled brat"

Philomel could hear these insults she ran to a secluded area where she cuddled the stuffed animal tight the only gift from a person who cared about her.

"Are you alright?" Philomel recognized that voice she quickly made a sharp turn around to find Ludger with his good looks.

"No I'm not mister" she sobbed "They all hate me..." another sob came "what did I do wrong?" Ludger doesn't know how "you didn't" he simply stated "Flowers don't choose to bloom so can children" Philomel wiped her tears "It's the adults fault not yours" Ludger bent down "Philomel you are a flower that didn't choose their habitation you didn't choose this life" he wiped her tears "Instead you must survive bloom when the world turns on you" Philomel came face to face with his eyes "A flower like you shouldn't be plucked with force but by nature itself".

Philomel doesn't understand but one thing was she wasn't at fault she is her own person and she will prove that she deserves this life.

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