🖤/💖/🍋 || Sun finds out.

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• Sh (s3lf hãrm)

Sun was minding his own business until he heard cries from the other room, so he goes and checks it out.

"Eclipse?" Sun calls out, trying to open the door. Eclipse doesn't open the door or responds.

"Eclipse, can you please open the door?" Sun asks, trying to open the door again.

"h- hold o- on.." Eclipse finally responds with a shaky voice. Sun can hear a 'click' noise, so Eclipse probably locked the door.


"I need to put t- this blad3 a- away.." Eclipse says while going over to their drawer and putting the blade in his drawer.

He put a lock on the drawer and locked it so Sun wouldn't see it.

Before they opened the door, they put on bandages on their arm with the fresh c-ts.

After that, they open the door and greets Sun.

"H- hey..! S- Sun!" Eclipse says, waving at Sun.

Sun immediately noticed his red eye bags.

"..are you okay hun?" Sun says, grabbing Eclipses hand.

"Y- Yes! I- I'm completely fine.." Eclipse says, putting his arm behind their back.

"Show me your wrist." Sun says, forcefully grabbing Eclipses wrist.

"Mmghhh.." Eclipse groans, trying to pull back his wrist.

Sun pulls up Eclipse’s sleeve, since he has bandages on the c-ts, Sun couldn't see them.

"a- ah- S- see? T- there's nothing there! Now let go of my wrist.." Eclipse says, trying to  pulling his wrist to himself.

"Take off the bandages." Sun says, softly rubbing it. (TJE BANDAGES NOT ANYTHING ELDE.)

"I d- don't want too.." Eclipse says, tearing Up a little.

"Please. I wanna see what's under them." Sun asks, wiping Eclipses tears with his sleeve.

"I d- don't.. wanna show y- you.." Eclipse says, covering their face.

"Eclipse." Sun says, in a more serious tone.

"S- Sun.. I don't wanna S- show y- you.." Eclipse says, tearing up more.

Silence fills the room until Sun lets go.

"fine.. I'm sorry for.. invading your privacy.."  Sun says, letting go of Eclipses wrist.

"i- I'm not forgiving you t- that e- easily.." Eclipse says, holding his wrist.

Silence filled the room again but Sun breaks the silence.

"..how long?" Sun asks.

"what..?" Eclipse asks, looking at Sun.

"how long have you been c-tt1ng..?" Sun asks, when they asks that, Eclipses rays went in.

"I-" Eclipse says, surprised.

Silence filled the room ( again ‼️ ), until Sun pushes Eclipse in for a kiss.

"mmgh-" Eclipse groans a little, but kisses back.

A bit after they break the kiss.

"im sorry for invading your privacy, hun." Sun says, hugging Eclipse.

Eclipse didn't respond, but hugged back.

< a few hours later >

"Heeyy huun~" Sun says, in a tone which made Eclipse blush.

"Hi Sun.." Eclipse says, looking at Sun.

"hoooww aree yooouu doiiinnngg?~" Sun says, laying on the bed.

"im doing okay.." Eclipse responds, looking down again.

"Mmmmmmm~" Sun says, Eclipse thought he was most likely drunk or something.

"..are you okay?" Eclipse asks, Looking at Sun

"oh I'm doing fine!" Sun says, getting up and looking at Eclipse with a smile.

"Why were you doing that voice..?" Eclipse asks, looking down at the bed then looking at Sun again.

"I- don't know.." Sun says, giggling after.

Eclipse smiles and goes over by Sun and kisses him softly.

"mmmh~" Sun makes a noise just to make Eclipse blush.

After a few minutes, Eclipse adds his tongue.

"mmgh~" Sun groans, falling back on the bed.

Eclipse breaks the kiss, and he has heart pupils.

"Eclipse..?" Sun asks, looking at Eclipse, rubbing their cheek.

"yes~?" Eclipse says, kissing Suns cheek.

"Why do you have heart pupils in your eyes?" Sun asks, with a confused face.

"Let's say.. Revenge."


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