🍈/💖 || Revenge

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• badly written smut
• anal ( if yk then yk )

"What..?" Sun asks, trying to get out of Eclipses arms.

"Remember what you did to me a couple days ago~?" Eclipse says, looking at Suns mouth.

"yes..?" Sun says, blushing a little.

"Like I said, this is revenge~." Eclipse says, picking up Sun and pushing up against a wall.

"Your gonna fuck me.. aren't you.." Sun says.

After Sun guessed it, he didn't try getting out of Eclipses arms.

"It's going to be a fun night isn't it~.." Eclipse says, kissing Suns cheek.

"I g- guess." Sun says, giving Eclipse a kiss back.

Eclipse kisses him while tugging on their shirt and pulling them back.

Sun moaned a little, just because Eclipse slammed (that sounds weird I'm sorry) him into the wall a bit hard.

Eclipse moaned into the kiss while adding his tongue, which made Sun moan. (Again)

Eclipse stops the kiss and there's a string of saliva connecting their mouths.

Sun groaned a little, then kissed Eclipse again, and Eclipse kissed back.

Eclipse put their hand up Suns shirt, which made Sun moan a little.

Sun pulls away, looking at Eclipses eyes, while their eyes still having heart pupils in them.

Eclipse pushes his leg up, which hits Suns... Part.

"O- ow." Sun says, trying to push Eclipse down.

"Did I hit your part?~" Eclipse says, looking down.

"Mhm." Sun mumbles, stroking Eclipses cheek.

Eclipse looked down at his.. thing. And started slowly stroking it.

Sun whimpers quietly, gripping one of Eclipse's rays.

Eclipse started rubbing faster, which made Sun pull one of Eclipse's rays and made Sun moan and whimper.

"E- eclipse..~ m- Mmh..~" Sun moans, softly rubbing Eclipses cheek.

Eclipse stops rubbing his thing and kisses Sun.

Sun squeaks a little, and kisses back.

While they were kissing, Eclipse slipped down his and Suns pants down.

Eclipse stops the kiss and flips Sun over. (Now Sun was on his stomach)

"h- hm..~" Sun groans a little. They know what's gonna happen anyway.

(Smut coming up 🙁)


Eclipse puts his thing near Suns entrance.

"You ready~?" Eclipse asks, putting it even closer to Suns entrance.

"i- I guess..~" Sun says, and then groans.

Eclipse put it in fully, and started thrusting into him.

"mmmh..~ ugh..~" Sun groans. "f- fa- a- ah!~"

Eclipse started to go faster, while groaning.

"e- eclipse..~ mmgh..~" Sun moans, pulling out their claws and gripping the blanket.

"a- ahh..~! E- eclipse i- I'm gonna- mmghh~!!" Sun moans, nearly cvmming.

Eclipse pulled out and let Sun cvm.

Sun collapsed on the bed panting, and Eclipse layed (idk how to spell 💔) down by Sun.

Eclipse shifted himself near Sun and hugged them.

Sun hugged back, kissing one of Eclipse's rays.

"I- i love y- you.." Sun says, closing their eyes and nuzzled into Eclipses chest.

"I love you too. We can get cleaned tomorrow." Eclipse says.

Both of them drifted off to sleep a little later.


I'm done :33

That was so 🙁🙁🙁 hard to write bro


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