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"I get that, but it's still hard. I have trust issues, which I know you know, and now this. I just don't know where to go from here."

Joon's heart was breaking, but he didn't care how long it would take. This was his mate; he was in this for life. "I know, and I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you, this I swear. But please don't push me away. The boys and you mean everything to me, I'll stay your dog if that's what you want. Just don't make me leave, please." Tears were already forming in his eyes, and he was doing everything he could to not cry like a little baby. But his worst fears were forming in his mind. 

He was going to lose his mate, his pups. He'd be alone forever, he'd finally found them and now he'd lose them. He'd found the most perfect family, and he'd fucked it up. "Don't cry," Jin whispered softly. His large, crooked fingers brushed against Joon's face softly as he tried his hardest to swipe all the tears away. But there were too many, they were coming too fast for him to keep up.

The hybrid fell into Jin, his face right in his scent gland on his neck. It was about the only thing that was going to calm him down at this point. He was breathing deeply, gathering deep lung fulls like his life depended on it. Jin's arms wrapped around him to support him, he was sobbing between breaths, and he needed Jin's rose scent. He wished the elder understood what was going on, how he was instinctively arching his neck more and even releasing a more calming scent for his mate. 

They truly were meant to be because normal humans can't do this. It took over an hour before Joon finally calmed down enough that his cries were more than just quiet sniffles. "I won't make you go away. The boys would be devasted if they lost their dog, but I think somehow we need to tell everyone what you are. Is that okay?"

Joon sighed; he knew it would come to this eventually. But the more people that knew, the more dangerous it would be. Hybrids aren't illegal by any means, but they do get taken advantage of. The only thing Joon has going for him is that he's already collared. So he can't exactly be collared again; he's already found his mate. No one would be able to control him anyway besides Jin; that man is it for him.

"I trust you; if you trust them, then I trust them. You are my mate, Jin; I'm yours for life."

Jin frowned a bit, "that seems to mean a lot more than husband does."

"It does; I wouldn't be able to ever hurt you, cheat on you. I'd spend my life worshipping you,  loving you and the boys. You are it for me, Jin, I know I've said it before, but it's true. There will never be another person for me, ever. When you die, I will follow because a world without you in it isn't a world I will be able to live in."

A love like he's always wanted. An all-consuming love that wasn't toxic but pure. Now it was Jin's turn to tear up and Joon's turn to wipe the tears away, "I don't even know why I'm crying," Jin whispered.

"I'm sorry I made you cry; I never wanted to do that," the younger pouted.

"They aren't sad tears, though." He let out a little sigh, "We really should sleep. The boys will be up soon, and they won't care how tired we are."

Joon's eyes went wide, "I can stay? You aren't kicking me out?"

Jin shrugged as he fussed with his pillows, getting them exactly how he wanted them, "you can, but you have to be our dog. They might wonder why Namjoonie is in my bed and I'm not in the right headspace to explain that right now."

His ears went bright red, "Oh yes, of course," duh, of course, he had to sleep with Jin in his animal form. Why would he even think he would be able to do it in his human form? Not that he wouldn't love to, it would be a literal dream to. Hopefully, a dream he'll be able to fulfill someday.

The next morning they both woke up to little hands all over them and soft breaths on their faces. Joon was getting lots of cuddles and kisses, making his mate fuss and groan about how the boys love their Joonie more than him. They both giggled and jumped on top of Jin as they smothered their Dad with kisses before he got up to make breakfast for everyone. It would take a while for Joon to get Jin to trust him; he knew that. But no matter how long it took, he'd do it. This was what he wanted in life.

When the boys were down for the nap, Jin gathered everyone in the living room, and looked at Joon. "It's time," he turned to his little brother and Hobi. "What I'm about to show you can't leave this house. For Namjoon's sake, okay?"

"What does this have to do with dimples?"

Hobi groaned as he face palmed so hard. Yoongi snorted and tried not to choke on his coffee, and Jin couldn't wait until Joon shifted and fully embarrassed Tae. It would serve the younger right, but in all reality, it probably wouldn't even phase Tae. His little brother had zero shame, it seemed. "Namjoon is a hybrid. I'm not sure if you know what that is. So it might be easier just to show you."

"I know what they are; we have a hybrid friend in school. What kind of hybrid," his eyes went wide as he looked at the golden that was sitting next to Jin just waiting. "No fucking way, your golden is hot dimple guy? Oh my God, no wonder he went after your ex."

"Tae, there's a story, and we must stick to it. It was a stray, and Joon chased it off," Jin was getting exasperated. But he had to protect his ma, his dog.

With the straightest face he could muster, Tae looked at his older brother; he had to ensure that no pity was on his face. "Jin, I swear when anyone that shouldn't know is around, I won't say anything. But all of us here know what really happened. I know that you three like to keep things from me like I'm some fragile doll that will break any minute. I get it; I wasn't the brother you needed for years. I pushed you and the boys away, and I'll never forgive myself for that. But I'm here now, and I'm trying; that's all I can do. But no more lies, even if they are by omission, not with us, okay?"


Tae was practically bouncing in his seat as he looked at Joon, "Please shift; you can do it in the bedroom since I know you will be naked. Not that I would be opposed to seeing you naked because I know you'd be hot as sin," that was all he got out before Hobit slapped his hand over his mouth making the rest come out all garbled.

"Go shift Joon, and please, for the love of God, put clothes on," Hobi sighed with his eyes closed as he pulled Tae closer to his body.

Yoongi's body was shaking softly as he tried his hardest to keep the laughing contained, but it was so hard. His friends were the greatest source of entertainment he'd ever found in his life. There was never a dull moment around them.

Not even five minutes later, a shy-looking Joon came back out, his ears bright red with embarrassment. "Hi," he whispered with a little wave. 

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