CHAPTER 1: Woo's Moving Day ✨

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CHAPTER 1: Woo's Moving Day ✨

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CHAPTER 1: Woo's Moving Day


The taxi driver stopped directly in front of the dormitory building and turned to me with a smile of satisfaction. "We are here, sir."

I bowed and nodded, mouthing the words "Thank you" quickly, pointing to the phone that was placed against my ear as the reasoning for the silent response. The man nodded in understanding, shaking his head with amusement as I continued my phone call.

Ever since I left the house, my mother made sure to be on call the entire ride here.

"Did you remember to pack your toothbrush?"

"Yes eomma.."

"What about your laptop and backpack?"

"Ma, those things are the most important things to have. Of course I have them!" I could hear a faint sniffle come from her through the phone, causing me to feel a bit guilty for my response. "Eomma, please don't cry... I'm going to fine here, I promise! I have Sangie here as someone I know and you have to worry about me..."

"I know... I wish I could've been there to at least help you move in. This job is going to be the death of me, I swear..."

"You're one of the best nurses in the city hospital. That comes with a lot of responsibility, you know." I teased, already knowing the response that was about to come from her.

"Aish... don't you patronize me. I'm still your mother... Call me when you settle in, okay?"

"Yes eomma, I will. I love you."

"I love you too."

With a simple click of the phone call ending, I looked up to my new home outside the window for the next four years with a bright smile on my face. Through all my hard work and dedication and to my studies, I landed an acceptance to one of the top universities in the country: Seoul National University. Choosing to major in Child Development and Family studies was something I wanted since high school, especially since my long term goal was to become an Elementary school teacher once I completed my curriculum. It also helped having some practice with my younger brother Kyungmin, as he was my source of inspiration for choosing such a career.

Directly in my line of sight was Gwanak Residence Halls, the most affordable and convenient location building out of all dormitories within the campus. It was where undergraduates and graduates could live together in mostly shared rooms. With a total of 27 wings, my room happened to be within the 'New Building 901' on the second floor.

Room 200.

"Hopefully my roommate is nice..." I mumbled to myself.

Paying the man generously and stepping out of the taxi, I gathered my two large suitcases from the trunk without haste. It was Sunday afternoon and the first day of school would be tomorrow, Monday. The weather felt a little chilly, with the occasional gentle breeze that would blow by and bring forth cooler air. Dressed in a white turtleneck, grey trench coat with matching grey slacks and white sneakers, I internally praised myself for choosing the appropriate form of clothing as I walked to my specific building. Step by step, I could feel my excitement grow more and more.
However, my thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing with Yeosang's name showing on display.

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