CHAPTER 16: Subtle Tendencies

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CHAPTER 16: Subtle Tendencies

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CHAPTER 16: Subtle Tendencies


After spending a few hours studying with Hwa and Yunho, we each said our goodbyes before making our way back to our own rooms. It was nearing ten in the evening, and our first class of the day which would be at nine, the class that was holding our exam. With the luck of those two being roommates, the walk for me was one traveled alone. However, the walk back wasn't long in the slightest, especially since they were considerate enough to choose to study on my floor's empty lounge area.

Striding down the hallway I spotted my door, quickly unlocking and stepping inside to find my roommate engaged in his own work on his laptop. His headphones were over his ears, so my arrival went unnoticed.  The sight, however, was heartwarming, as he seemed to be in his own world while softly humming to the music playing.

Choosing not to bother him, I made my way over to my side of the room and placed my backpack on the floor while looking through my plastic drawer bins for sleepwear. The day was long and my body was in desperate need of sleep, but one thing I never let myself do was go without showering off before bed.

While searching for everything needed for the bathroom, Jongho cleared his throat behind me, gathering my attention quickly. "Hey. Why didn't you let me know you came back?"

Fighting back a blush, I shook my head. "You seemed really focused, so I didn't want to bother you...I'm just going to shower and then head to bed."

Jongho's expression was unreadable, but he sighed and nodded before placing his headphones back on. "Alright, but next time tap my shoulder. You're not a bother, Yeosang. Remember that."

My body froze in shock, but with a quick dismissal of growing feelings, I grabbed my stuff and speedily entered the bathroom. Staring at myself in the mirror, I took off my glasses and took in the sight reflecting back to me. The birthmark on my face was on full display next to my left eye, and with only a few people being allowed to see it, I found myself wanting nothing more than to cover it back up. Wooyoung would call it a 'mark of love', as it resembles closely to the shape of a heart, but it was one of my major insecurities to show. Having it since birth was something I grew to deal with, but if I had a choice to get rid of it, I would.

I'd never voice those thoughts to him, or else I'd face a relentless amount of kisses as payback from him...

Shying away from the mirror, I turned on the shower and waited for it to heat up while discarding my clothes. It didn't take long as I could see the steam filling up the room, giving me the signal to step inside and begin my long awaited shower.

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