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Leonor 19th of October 2023

She was on the plane on her way to Oviedo from Zaragoza, where she would meet her family, including her little sister Sofía, who was studying at the same boarding school she had studied the previous two years, to preside over the awards ceremony that bore her name. She liked to present the Princess of Asturias Awards, it was always good to be in the principality, her mother's land, and what also made her Asturian. But she didn't like all the events and activities that she had to attend to as heiress, and she knew that from now on she would do nothing but do more progressively; after all, her eighteenth birthday was in just over a week.

She knew that she was not the only one in that situation, her father had also been in it, and many more people in the world at that precise moment, she thought of all the heirs that her parents had told her about and that some of them she herself knew, the Prince of Wales, Crown Prince Frederik, Crown Princess Victoria, even the Princess of Orange, with whom she had met more than once, she also knew about little Prince Charles of Luxembourg for example, but she could not identify one hundred percent with them, whether due to age, gender or because they had not had the same obligations as heirs. Suddenly her face lit up, she hadn't thought about the Duchess of Brabant! She could relate with her, Elisabeth was a little older than her, but she had also studied at UWC Atlantic College and had done military service. Furthermore, the two girls had become heirs to the throne of their respective country with the difference of less than a year.

She thought she could text her or call her, see if she had any advice. It wouldn't be difficult for her to get her phone number, or if you really hurry me up her email. She suddenly remembered that at the beginning of her first year in Wales she thought about doing exactly that, asking the Belgian heiress for some advice. In the end she didn't, since Princess Alexia of the Netherlands was also studying there, and they could help each other.

One of the security guards she was traveling with on the plane called her:

-Your Royal Highness, we'll land in 10 minutes - He said and then left.

The Princess thought she would talk about it with her father that weekend.

Leonor 21st of October 2023

She was already in the car on the way to the hotel after the last ceremony of the awards, the presentation of the Award to the Exemplary Town of Asturias. A few hours later she would have to return to the academy to continue her military training. Her little sister was next to her, the first night they saw each other, two days ago Sofia had told her that everything was perfect in Wales, and that her advice had helped her a lot. There she decided that it was necessary to talk to Elisabeth. Once at the hotel, the Princess spoke with her father:

-Dad - His first-born caught his attention.

- I'm listening- He responded, looking up from the phone where he seemed to be reading some email.

-Can we talk? - Leonor asked calmly. Just then her mother came into the room and said:

-Should I leave, or can I stay and listen? - She asked kindly, looking at her daughter who nodded, letting her know she could stay.

Leonor thought about what to say and began: - It's been a few days since the swearing in of the flag and training continues to be very hard for me. - After hearing that, her father left the phone on the side of the bed and listened more carefully.

-I thought that it might be good for me to talk to people who have already been through the same thing and who can understand me. - She paused - I think talking to Elisabeth from Belgium can help me. We are very similar, we both have the same future, we have studied in Wales and she has already done her military service. - Her parents were a little surprised, but quickly agreed. The first to speak was the King.

- I hadn't thought about it, but since you say it, it might be fine. She seems like a very kind, friendly and intelligent girl. I have always gotten along well with her parents. - If he remembered correctly the last time he had seen the young Belgian, it had been in London last May attending the reception offered by King Charles III in honor of his coronation.

- Also, people say that you look alike, I don't see it, but... - Her mother added, knowing well what was being said in the news about her daughter. The three of them laughed.

-I'm going to ask to look up for her phone number - The King said once they stopped laughing.

-Thank you very much dad - Leonor said lovingly, she got up and hugged her parents. Then she went to spend the few hours she had left there with her sister.

The next day at night, already at the academy, she already had the number and thought she would write to her when she had time.

The next day at night, already at the academy, she already had the number and thought she would write to her when she had time

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