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Elisabeth 25th of October 2023

It was the day of her twenty-second birthday, the alarm clock rang at eight, she didn't have class until ten that day. When she looked at her phone to stop the alarm, she saw that she had many notifications. She entered the family group and everyone wished her a happy birthday, the only one who had not done so yet was her brother, Gabriel, who was in the military academy in his second year, and could not always be connected. She thanked them, and promised to call them when she left class, and her little siblings could already be home. She went back to his contacts, she had messages from friends, her uncles, cousins...

Even a video that her cousin, Prince Amdeo's children, Ana Astrid and Maximilian, had made, the first one was holding her sister Alix, who was only a month and a half old, in her arms. This made her smile, she replied with a selfie of her making a funny face.

At that moment someone was heard knocking on the door, and when she opened it, the "Happy Birthday" song started playing and her friend Sophie appeared with a cupcake and a candle.

-Happy Birthday, Elisabeth! - The happy friend half shouted. The now twenty-two year old Princess blew out the small candle.

-Thank you! I love you. - Elisabeth said giving her a hug. Then she invited her in.

Once inside, Sophie took a small envelope from her purse from between the notebooks and laptop:

-I have a gift for you. -Said the girl - it won't be like the very expensive jewelry you have, but I hope you like it. - She added. Elisabeth began to open the envelope, inside there was something wrapped in pink tissue, she unwrapped it and could see a small pendant with a heart and inside a photo of Sophie and her.

-Ahhh I love it. Have I already told you that I love you? - Elisabeth said laughing and hugging her friend. Then she got dressed and prepared to go out to have breakfast with her friend, but not before putting on the pendant.

Leonor 25th of October  2023

It was going to be a normal day for the princess, who was preparing to start her training. The night before she had already decided what she would say to Princess Elisabeth. She knew that today was her birthday, she followed the Belgian Royal Palace's Instagram account, and she had seen the two new pictures they had uploaded for the occasion. In them she appeared wearing a black T-shirt with transparencies at the neckline decorated with turquoise rhinestone details, looking and smiling at the camera.

 In them she appeared wearing a black T-shirt with transparencies at the neckline decorated with turquoise rhinestone details, looking and smiling at the camera

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That same afternoon, during her rest time, the young princess decided that it was a good time to send the message and also wish her a happy birthday. She knew that it was very likely that she would not answer quickly, since she would surely be celebrating her birthday, anyway she got to work, and after a few minutes she already had a message that convinced her, it was something like this:

"Good afternoon, Elisabeth. I'm Leonor de Borbón y Ortiz. First of all I would like to wish you a happy birthday! 💗

I guess you're wondering what I'm doing writing to you and where I got your phone from. The answer is very simple, as you may already know, my military training began a few months ago, but it is still very hard for me. It occurred to me that you could give me some advice since you have also done the military service. Also, I think it will be easier for me to understand you than anyone else, we both studied at UWC Atlantic College so we have the same foundation, but most importantly, our future is the same. Getting your phone was easy, one of my father's secretaries was in charge of looking for it. So if you don't mind, I'd love to talk to you via message or call, whichever you prefer. I would be very grateful. 😊💕 "

Then she sent it without much thought and quickly sent another message to her parents letting them know that she had already spoken to Elisabeth. The hours passed and she didn't have any answers, so she had to go to sleep with intrigue and a little regret in case what she had done was not the right thing.

Elisabeth 26th of October 2023

The day before after class she had gone out to dinner with some of her friends to celebrate her birthday, so when she arrived late at her apartment, she only had time to take a shower and go to sleep. Before going to bed, she had looked at her phone and had two new messages, one was from her brother, Prince Gabriel, who wished her a happy birthday, and the other was from a number that she had not saved. She decided that she would open it in the morning. And that's just what she was doing at that moment. When she opened it and read who the message came from, she stopped for a moment, she knew perfectly well who the Spanish heiress was, they had even met once when they were little, since her father loved Spain, something he had inherited from his uncles, and ne of the times they had gone, she had met the Spanish royal family, but she definitely wasn't expecting that message. Before reading further, she thought that no one had warned her about this, so it was something between the two of them, and she should act like a friend and leave her title of princess aside. She continued reading, it was true that she knew about the fact that she had started at the military academy, she had read it somewhere. Once she finished reading it, a small tear came out of her eye, she had never thought about it, but that's how she felt too, but she didn't ask for help, now from the outside she believed that it could have helped her a lot. She decided to help her as much as she could, she couldn't stop seeing herself in Leonor, and she knew that the Spanish girl had it even more difficult, since she had to spend three years of training, not one like her, she thought about how to answer:

"Hello Leonor! Thank you very much for the birthday wishes!

I would love to help you, I have also been through this, and I know it's not easy, call me whenever you want, maybe it will be easier than by message, and I will answer all the questions you have. Sending a kiss 💗"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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