The way my hand fits perfectly in his.

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We are walking back in that small but safe alley, the one that leads to my house, after a long evening at practice. It's quite empty in the streets tonight, it's not warm but it's not too cold either- still, Bokuto is shivering, and this time he's got his own hoodie on.

"It's not even that cold Bokuto-San.." My face turns into an expression of pity.

He looks at me like I'm insane. "IT'S FREEZING 'KAASHI!! MY HANDS FEEL LIKE THEY ARE GOING TO FALL OFF!" He shows me his hands, that do not look like they are about to fall off.

I grab his hand, intertwine my fingers with his, and lead our hands to my jacket pocket.

I can feel the red flush on my face. 

"Aweeee 'Kaashiiii, your so cute, my hands don't feel cold anymore!"

"That's good Bokuto-san"

I love how my hand fits perfectly in his.

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