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She was getting tried from the running but she didn't stop she carried on

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She was getting tried from the running but she didn't stop she carried on. Running was the only way to clear her head. Jess didn't sleep much last night she couldn't she didn't know why.

Jess found out the day she moved there was a beach right outside her house meaning she could go for walks at night.

She realized that she had spent a lot of time outside and she needs to get tready for work.

(At work)

Not much happened in the briefing room other Sargent grey saying that she has to right along with Lucy and tim. She realized it was gonna be awkward between the to.

She sat in the back of Lucy's and Tim's shop and sat their in silent.

(Few minutes later)

Tim pulled into a parking lot of a convenience store. Lucy and Jess looked at him confused as to why they were there.

Tim got out of the shop and lucy followed "I've decided on your punishment" Tim says Jess decided that I would be best to stay in the shop

"I'm assuming you're not going to tell me" lucy says. Tim nods "More of a show you kind of guy" he says calling over a man who was doing shady business "Ghost Head. No, no, hold up a minute." He calls watching him turn his back.

"Yo this is harassment" he rolls his eyes as he eyes lucy.

Tim shakes his head "What? No, it's just good customer service. Kind of like a frequent flyer program for dirt-bag drug dealers. Search him, Boot" he orders lucy.

"Turn around grab the wall" luch says as she reaches out to grab his shoulders.

"Make me boot" he says with a smirk. Lucy rolls her eyes and shoves Ghost-head into the wall. He turns around quickly and throws a punch at lucy as she misses it. Lucy stands her ground as she knees him in the balls, and shoves him face first into the wall.

"You're under arrest" she tells him taking out her handcuffs. She looks at Tim "This was my punishment?" She asks.

"Yep. Plus I got to see if you could handle yourself, so it's really a two-fer." He tells her. Lucy grabs Ghosthead by the shoulder leading him to the shop.

A woman comes out of the store to confront the two officers. Tim looks taken back as he recognizes the woman in front of him. The woman had clearly been high on drugs as she had shown all the implications.

"Isabel?" Tim asks as his voice was soft from being in shock.

"Let him go" she tells lucy. Lucy looks back at the two confused on how they know each other. She than looks inside the car to see that Jess looked almost as shocked as Tim.

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