Ragatha X Pomni

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Pomni and Ragatha sat on a small rock overlooking the cliff near the digital lake. Caine had left the characters to their own devices for a few days, and the two took to taking picnics in the forest, since they had an excess of free time. The food didn't look great, nor taste that vibrant, but it was the company that mattered most. In the week they had known each other for, the bond formed into a fast friendship as the two became nearly inseparable.

Staring at the piece of bread in her gloved hands, Pomni looked out over the cliffside, and then to Ragatha. A picnic basket sat beside the rock, complete with red checkered lining and a few loaves of low-poly bread. Out over the cliffside the night-time half of the skybox wrapped around them, complete with hand-drawn stars and the moon that hung somewhere behind them. Secluding them was the simple forested area that made the shore of Caine's digital lake.

"You know... I guess it isn't too bad here." The words came as a surprise to Ragatha. Setting down her own snack, she turned toward Pomni and raised an eyebrow.

"Really? Newbies usually hate it here." Agreeing, Pomni nodded. Her gaze fell toward the grass as she contemplated her next words.

"Sure - I mean – I did. Still think I'd rather be out of here... But this." To add emphasis, she gestured around the immediate area.

"This... isn't so bad. You're not so bad- er people here aren't so bad - I mean!" Her tone of voice had grown significantly less anxious over the past few days. Despite her progress, the signature neuroticisms shined through. This was especially evident in her conversations with Ragatha.

"Awh – thanks, new stuff." When Ragatha blushed, the fabric didn't change color so much as the air around her cheeks vaguely red-shifted in color. Pomni's blush, however, was obvious. The bright red makeup on her face shaded an ever-deepening red. Looking away from Ragatha, Pomni held the pause in the conversation for a few moments.

"Do you... think we'll ever get out?" Kicking her feet a few times, Pomni absent-mindedly tossed her piece of bread to the ground.

"I... don't know, Pomni. I don't like to think about it much. You saw what happened to Kaufmo, right? That's the terrible thing that happens when you run around chasing an impossible goal." Rubbing the back of her head, Ragatha frowned and looked off to the side. Just thinking about the subject had a sigh escaping her lips.

"But... I can't just give up! I mean- we can't give up!" Pomni's fists clenched slightly as she flashed a determined look at Ragatha. Opening her mouth and holding up a hand, Ragatha seemed just about to say something. Giving up on that, Ragatha relented with a sigh.

"Alright, new stuff. Here's what we'll do. You can run along all you want. I'll be right behind you. Make sure you don't... you know." With emphasis to her statement, Ragatha made a circle with her finger next to her head in a universal 'crazy' gesture.

"R-really? You'll help me? Just like that?" Holding her fists up to her chest in excitement, Pomni's pinwheel eyes seemed to sparkle.

"Sure! And when you're all tuckered out, I'll still be here for you. Not like there's all that much to do here anyways." Giggling slightly after she spoke, Ragatha shrugged. Once more, the two found themselves in silence, looking out into the scribbled starscape. Over the next couple of minutes, Pomni tried desperately to get her ever racing heart under control. No matter how hard she tried though, she just couldn't stop thinking about the girl beside her.

"Y-you really are amazing, you know?" Though it might've been a struggle to get the words out, she was glad she did. Ragatha needed to know how she felt. Even if she was positive about it wanting to say this, Pomni's fast-beating heart did little to help her train of thought.

"You're sweet too, Pomni." In contrast to the emotional wreck of a jester, Ragatha seemed relatively calm. Her emotional calm was contagious, helping Pomni to stabilize somewhat. That's not to say she wasn't affected. Avoiding eye contact, the gentle red glow grew a little deeper around her cheeks. "No... Really! You talk to me about my problems, forgave me for leaving you. You're so funny and kind and sweet and – and." Unable to continue her sentence, she just fidgeted slightly with her hands and looked downward. Undeterred, Ragatha turned her body towards Pomni and tilted forward ever so slightly.

"I like you too, Pomni" In her voice was a genuine sincerity. Although she wasn't entirely sure, Pomni thought she got the connotation and her body shivered with digital artifacting at the thought.

"I-I-I-I uh. You – what?" Ragatha chuckled at Pomni's stammering. Just a bit closer now, Ragatha's voice softened to a kind and nurturing whisper.

"Hey Pomni?"

"Y-yeah?" She whispered back, barely audible.

"Is it alright if I kiss you?"

Eyes widening, Pomni attempted to form a reply. Failing in that respect, she settled for a curt nod instead. Without another word, the two closed their eyes as Ragatha leaned in to cross the gap between their faces. Such close proximity gave Pomni tingles throughout her body as she anticipated the meeting of their bodies.

Ragatha had always felt real to Pomni. As real and warm as someone beneath a simple cloth shirt would feel. Though it might've been a bit weird to kiss a cloth mouth, all the same warmness and caring was behind it as any other kiss. Although it only lasted a few moments, the pure calm of the moment washed away any fears she had about the Digital Circus. Maybe she couldn't go home, but at least she could have Ragatha. A few seconds after the kiss started, the two separated.

"C-can... Can we do that again please." It wasn't even voluntary. The words just fell out of Pomni's mouth in rapid succession.

"Sure, Pomni."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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