Chapter 31: Takes One To Know One

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Chapter 31: Takes One To Know One

The Living Room, Nolan Pierce's Apartment, The Wellman Complex, West And Kelling Street, Flashpoint, New Jersey...

       Nolan had passed out indefinitely leaving a semi-hard Charley to pull out of him and carry him back to his bedroom. Claire had followed and watched as he tucked Nolan in and followed him back out into the living room where Charley opted to grab another beer before popping the top and finally getting down to the real reason Claire had decided to drop by. He had figured she'd want him after the conversation on the phone but she had seemed to be waiting for something before spreading her legs for him. Claire had been of the mind to grab a beer as well and popped the top on one as they both returned to the living room. Charley had made no move to get dressed, his impressive cock still slick from his efforts with Nolan and semi-erect as he sipped from his can.

"So you two just fuck all day or what when I'm not here?" asked Claire as she too turned up her drink.

"Sometimes we watched tv. and eat takeout, most of the time we fuck." replied Charley evenly sipping his beer.

"That explains why the place reeks of sex and pussy when I first walked in," replied Claire turning up her can again.

"Yep," replied Charley eyeing her closely.

"Listen, Charley, was it?" began Claire. "I know you have this thing with Nolan and you enjoy fucking him and all but he's a good and really mixed-up kid after all he's gone through at home and I don't fancy seeing him hurt."

Charley arched a brow at this.

"You making some kind of point or am I gonna have to endure a long speech?" he asked still sipping his beer.

"The point is, Nolan is family and he's been through quite enough being raped by his bastard stepfather and his mother not giving two shits about him," replied Claire in a stern tone. "I hope for his sake you are only passing through and get to it because he's the type to fall in love easily, especially since you'd gone and popped his cherry where it counts and the more you linger and don't want nothing more out if it the more it'll hurt when you do inevitable bail on him leaving me to pick up the pieces."

"You think you got me all figured out don't you?" asked Charley putting down his beer and glaring at Claire as if he'd been insulted.

"I know a pussy hound when I see one," she replied glaring back at him. "Being fresh out of prison will do that to you."

Charley glared at her in relative confusion.

"What the hell are you on about?" he asked annoyed.

"You know what I'm talking about, pussy is one thing but love is a whole other ball game and Nolan is head over heels in love with you and your big dick," replied Claire.

"As I said before, you don't know what you're talking about," growled Charley his eyes narrowed at the redhead before him.

"I know that the more you keep this up the more you're likely to get him pregnant," said Claire not backing down an inch.

"What?" asked Charley in confusion once more.

"Nolan is a special boy with a special case, he can't use birth control and no one has ever been inside him like that for it to be a problem," said Claire evenly. "He's got emotional issues from his upbringing and he's heavily fertile when it comes to his lady bits if you know what I mean...and that's not even the half of it...due to being raised by a sorry excuse for a mother he's got diabetes and when he isn't on his insulin it gets real bad...I have to make up an excuse just to check up on him four or five times a week so that he doesn't feel so out of sorts about his independence."

Charley couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Why the fuck would you tell me that after telling me you want me gone?" he asked annoyed.

"Because it's the reason you need to be gone," replied Claire in a serious tone. "Gone before he wakes up and clings to hope that you'll actually love him back for some reason other than sex."

"Get the fuck out," growled Charley in annoyance.

"You aren't gonna stick around so why bother with the games." accused Claire. "He's just gonna end up alone and pregnant at the rate you two fuck."

Claire had begun to protest when Charley escorted her straight to the front door and slammed it shut in her face.

He took a moment to collect himself after processing everything that Claire had just told him about Nolan and grabbed another can of beer from the fridge. She'd been right about him of course, right about all of it with Nolan as well apparently but for some reason, Charley couldn't bring himself to walk out the door no matter how many times the voice in his head had told him that it was the better thing to do.

Instead, he finished off his beer and ventured back toward Nolan's bedroom where he crawled into bed beside the still slumbering lad unsure of his choice of making the right decision for the both of them. From where he stood, it seemed that Nolan hadn't had anyone that was truly in his corner, and looking back on his own life, Charley had been in something of a similar situation.

Nolan had looked out for him when no one else had and now here he was returning the favor. Nolan moaned in his sleep as Charley kissed him and pulled the surprisingly light-weight blond lad closer to him. Nolan sighed pleasantly and nuzzled his cheek against Charley's chest.

"Claire gone?" he asked in a sleepy tone.

"Yep," replied Charley with a sigh.

"You fuck her yet?" asked Nolan with a bit of fear in his tone.

"Nope," replied Charley evenly. "Threw her out on her ass though."

"Why?" asked Nolan confused as he looked up at Charley.

"Because nobody tells me what to do with my favorite pussy." growled Charley as he pulled Nolan closer and into his waiting kiss.

The blond lad smiled as Charley held him their bodies pressed together beneath the covers as they sat in companionable silence.

"I love you, Charley," said Nolan before drifting off once again.

Charley kissed him on top of the head and held him closer still not saying a word as he pondered everything that Claire had told him about Nolan's past and current condition. He knew she'd been right of course, but he couldn't bring himself to admit it not to himself or to Nolan. 

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