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First of all I have a bf who I love dearly and I have the most amazing and Sweet bestie in the world and then I personal think that I am mentally ill and I WISH TO SPILL TEA first 2 kids were/are vaping in my school one was caught and the other is a bitch can't believe i used to be friends with her anyways no one knows I'm pansexual and use all pronouns lol ps IF U GO TO MY SCHOOL AND FIND THIS BE WARNED I'LL FIND YA REHEHEHEHEHEH
Anyways I think alt/emo Noah slays so hard it makes me die on the inside here's gay peeps

First of all I have a bf who I love dearly and I have the most amazing and Sweet bestie in the world and then I personal think that I am mentally ill and I WISH TO SPILL TEA first 2 kids were/are vaping in my school one was caught and the other is...

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Something was actually wrong with me 💀💀

BASICALLY A DIARY OF MY LIFE AND KINSWhere stories live. Discover now