Chapter One

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     It was the months of hot humid weather that Amanita disliked the most, not just because the weather in general was uncomfortable and nasty, but also because it only intensified the growth of mushrooms that was left behind as they walked to the nearest stream of their cottage.

The cottage was quite a cozy home, nestled in the forest that sat east of the village nearby, which was the way Amanita preferred. It gave them the place to be out of everyone's way, not leaving mushrooms cracking stone roads, possibly leaving behind poisonous mushrooms that any cattle or child could eat by awful chance. It was safe for them and the village that way.

     Amanita took their chances with their curse when they needed to fetch any water and possible food by the stream, it was the closest they would step foot to the village.
Amanita only went to the edge of the stream when they saw the coast was clear and started to let the water run into the bucket, then setting it aside to draw their brown hair back into a small bun on the back of their head, which typically sits at shoulder length.

Stepping into the water and searching for any fish or crustaceans that could make a good meal, trying not to slip on any mushrooms that have grown behind them in the water.

     They're interrupted by the sound of a group of villagers walking in their direction from a dirt path. Amanita tensed but stood where they were, knowing if they ran, the evidence behind would only be weirder than seeing a man standing in the stream.
They seemed to only take note of him and smiled, Amanita did the same back. They continued their chatter while doing their own chores, Amanita not listening in until a very interesting topic came up.

     "Heard the enchanted market will be rolling in tomorrow, will you be going?" the woman asked the couple that was alongside her. The blonde man laughed only to reply,

     "That market is for fools. I don't know a single person that goes there, thinking they're really buying something enchanted or special." The man's husband frowned and stepped in with his own comment.

     "Even if it is for fools, it can still be entertaining to see what people are willing to put up for sale for a ridiculous price. We'll join my sister there tomorrow and see what's there."

     "Oh, alright." The blonde man agreed, reluctantly.

     "It's better than doing chores on the farm."

     Amanita has never heard of this supposed market, but did get them wondering if there's a possibility of finding something to help get rid of these forsaken mushroom steps. They've tried trying different boots, walking on different textures of ground, always ending up with the same result. A trail of mushrooms. Their own voice startled them as Amanita spoke up.

     "What time does that market come in tomorrow?" Confused looks, maybe even slightly startled, passed between the group then back to Amanita. The woman replied.

     "When the sun is at its highest. It departs a little before dusk."

     Amanita thanked them but waited to leave the stream until they left first, having caught a good amount of fish in the process. Then made their way home, with a sense of hope in their chest that maybe these mushrooms won't be around much longer.

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