Chapter Six

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The Vanishing Glass

[The scar's glow immediately dies down, and the camera pans to see Lyra who is now 10 years old, still sleeping. Then, the light turns on outside her bedroom cupboard under the stairs]

"Why are you under the stairs" Elijah said in a deadly calm tone.

Lyra looked taken aback and mumbled "Because that's where I slept." Hoping no one would be able to hear her. Much to her disappointment it didn't work.

"I'm going to kill them." Muttered Kol and Klaus already coming up with ways for the Dursleys demise.

"We'll join you!" Said the other three Mikaelsons, Sirius and Remus.

"What do you mean that's where you slept." James asked making sure to not shout as he didn't want to scare his daughter or the three sleeping children, which surprisingly did not wake up in the chaos before.

"That's where I slept until I turned 11, can we just watch the movies know."

Petunia: Up! Get up! [She knocks on his closet door repeatedly] Now! [Smacks door of closet and walks into the living room]

[Lyra wakes up, turns on her bedroom light and puts on her glasses with tape on the bridge, indicating that it was partly damaged. A large, tubby boy, Dudley Dursley, suddenly comes running down the stairs above the closet. He stops half-way down and goes back, jumping on the staircase.]

"Lyra have they ever touched you before" Lily asked trying to keep calm.

"It  doesn't matter. " Lyra mumbled.

"Yes it does Lyra we all care for you, so please answer the question, no one will think less of you if they did, it's not your fault." Draco said soothingly as he got up and gave the Potter girl a hug.

Hearing this tears escaped her eyes and she nodded yes and dug her head into his chest making sure not to squish Haley, who just woke up.

"Mama what's wrong." The six year old asked.

"Nothing you need to worry about sweetheart." That didn't seem to satisfy the little girl who reached up to wipe her mothers tears and snuggled even further into her mothers.

Dudley: Wake up, cousin! We're going to the zoo!

[Lyra looks up to the join works of the stairs with small amounts of dusts rising. Dudley laughs, comes down the stairs, and runs for the kitchen. Lyra tries to come out of the closet but is pushed back in by Dudley. Petunia is in the kitchen, where Dudley has gone.]

"How dare that overgrown whale hurt our Lyra" was going through all her soulmate's head's

Petunia: Here he comes, the birthday boy!

Vernon: Happy birthday, son.

[Petunia and Dudley giggle together. Lyra comes into the kitchen, dressed in outgrown clothes.]

"They didn't even get you proper clothes." Rebekah said outraged.

Petunia: [to Lyra, unpleasantly] Why don't you just cook the breakfast, and try not to burn anything.

"They made you cook!" Shouted the hall in outrage, Regulus and Rebekah who had expected that reaction quickly put their hands on their children's ears so they didn't wake up.

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