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Happiness is a choice, Not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. Your happiness will not come to you. It can only come from you ✨

Aadrika's POV

"Now you may kiss the bride"
Spoke the pastor in his aging voice.As soon as I heard these much anticipated words, I was so shocked that a sudden pink flush spread across my cheek and nose.

I timidly looked at my one and only Prince charming who had worn the Navy Blue wedding suit and looked like a page straight out of a Calvin Klein magazine.

All of a sudden He spoke with a cheerful smile:-It's been three years,four months,two days and a handful of hours since the first moment I set my eyes on you.I have never seen a more gorgeous girl than you.

With that, he began to move in closer, reducing the space between us as he leaned in. He towered over my five foot four inches, tightened his hands around my waist, and was about to laid his lips on mine.

However, an abrupt loud song began to play in my ears, causing us to part ways.

A duck walked up to a lemonade stand

And he said to the man,runnin the stand"

Before long, everything turned pitch-black, and I momentarily found myself panting like a hiker on Mount Everest without oxygen, lying on my bed in loose T-shirt and knee-length shorts.

I saw my Doraemon's Alarm clock was continuously ringing like it has set up the target to wake up the whole society people.

Just STOP," I dismissed, disbelief writ large in my widened eyes at this rebellious alarm clock which was gifted by my not-so-great best friend on my fucking previous birthday.I could tell that Alarm clock didn't find solace in my misery as it again started ringing in a more raucously way.

And swiftly turned off the Alarm clock. I quickly got off from my bed and set my foot in the washroom hurriedly as today is the last annual exam in school

After doing my morning business I stepped inside my room.Wearing a full sleeves blue coloured kurti.

As Punctuality and I never get along well, I ate my breakfast quickly.I quickly went towards my beloved Activa scooty which I had purchased from my first laborious earning and admiringly spoke:-Sweetie agar tum na hoti toh Mera kya hota.Aakhir tum hi toh ho Jo Mera dukh,dard,kasht samjhti hai

(Sweetie,if you weren't here,What would have happened to me? After all,you are the one who understands my sorrow,pain and suffering)
And wipe my non existent tears.

La La La La La La La La La La La La........."

Sucking a sharp breathe,l sent a silent prayer to the Lord above as the not-so-melodious voice of my not-in-her-right-state friend who was in the second year of college and unfortunately my neighbour.

My wonderful mother assigned me the responsibility of driving her to college.And I'm dead sure my sweetie must be groaning as it was under our combined weight.

I found Siya waving her hand around while singing the song.With closed eyes and earphones in her ears,She looked pretty content with herself as she swayed and mover her head like those weird-ass bobble heads.Half of the songs she listened to, didn't even make any sense.

Look who is even saying!

Oh well! Greetings to all, from my theatrical conscience.

Siya was still lost in her own imaginary world with her beloved husband Robert Pattinson and their 3 kids and I decided to let her be and got on my sweetie.

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