Meet the mains

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She is Immortal. She lost count of her birthday about 150 years ago when she tried to commit suicide for what she thought would be the last time. She hates being immortal and can't feel pain or emotions and has learnt not to fall in love. She can't fall in love anymore.


After finding out Lily - her lifelong best friend/ride or die- was dying and the only cure was to make her immortal, Sophie demanded that she be turned immortal too. After some begging, pleading and possible threatening, the adults came around. Sophie regrets and is thankful that she made that decision and has tried to commit suicide many times with Lily but it has obviously never worked. She is a highly romantic person and falls for people too easily and sometimes thinks she's feeling all of Lily's emotions for her.


A/N Ngl I'm kinda excited to start this ff

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Ngl I'm kinda excited to start this ff

Word count - 164

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