Chapter One - A Few Punches Thrown

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Lily's POV

"Lilyyyyyyyy," Sophie whines from outside the bathroom stall again and I roll my eyes. She's so impatient I swear. "I'll be out in a second, just wait," I hiss back to her. I finish my business and open the stall to wash and dry my hands when a red-headed girl walks in and locks the stall she walks into. Shortly after the first girl walked in, another girl walks in but this time with a small group trailing behind her. They ignore us and take their positions in the room (a girl standing watch at the door, a girl filling a trash bag with water and their leader kicking a door and yelling to the first girl, who was inside.) "You in there by yourself, Beaver-ly? Huh, slut?" she yells, kicking the door again as me and Sophie exchange glances and come up with a plan to beat her ass where everyone can see. "Or do you have half the school's boys in there with you too, you little shit?" she kicks the door again and this time earns a response from the first girl. "Which one is it Greta? am I a slut or a little shit?" Greta huh? Well, we're about to beat Greta's ass. The girl who was filling up the trash bag turns off the tap and drags the bag towards her leader but we get there first. I grab the bag and Sophie drags Greta by her hair pulls her to the main entrance and throws her to the floor as she kicks, screams and shouts. That attracted everyone's attention, even the four boys who were about to walk away. I rejoin her outside after dealing with the redhead whose name I found was Beverly. I walk out and watch with Sophie as Greta tries to stand up with everyone still engrossed with the scene unfolding before them. Greta manages to stand up and runs at Sophie and me as we both move out of the way, causing her to tumble forward and slam her nose into the ground. Surprisingly, she manages to stand up again and this time she tries to punch Sophie but she grabs her fist mid-air and I kick her in the back of the leg which makes her fall to her knees. We both crouch down to her level and share glances once more. "Run," we say in unison and she scrambles away as fast as she can. Sophie and I stand up, laugh and do our signature handshake.

(A/N This has taken me like 4 days to do so far. I have no motivationnnnnnn help)

I put my arm around Sophie's waist and she puts her arm around my shoulder— because she is taller than me— as we walk past the four boys who stand there, wide-eyed and one of them even open-mouthed. Sophie leans over to the boy with glasses and puts two fingers under his chin to close his mouth before winking seductively, smiling sweetly and walking off with me. What a flirt. I laugh at the boys blush and his shocked reaction and we walk back to our lonely house.

~Time skip bright to you by pennybitch the dancing whore~

"Well that was fun," Sophie says longingly. "No. We can't get attached to anyone, Sophie. No one other than ourselves," I remind her and she nods sadly, now I just feel bad. I sigh and hug her as she cries and adjusts her glasses, pushing them up the bridge of her nose.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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