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Ping's Pov-

"Hello Ping! I am your Guardian!" A voice scared me and made me jump up and curl up cautiously in my cot. I peered over the bed to see a small...
Ping's Pov-

Bunny? The palm sized-animal hopped onto my shoulder and briefly opened its mouth. I looked at the bunny in shock as it began to speak.

Furna's Pov-

"Hi Ping! How's it been?" I can't believe that it's been so long since he last visited the shrine. His commitment and pureness has caused our energy to flourish.

"Even though we haven't seen each other for a while, I only have eyes for you" I tried rizzing Ping up, as we had an ongoing, friendly rivalry on who can make the other back down from rizzing.

Too bad Mushu got to go first, since I had to fix the ACTUAL dragon guardian. That's not important, I need to bring Ping back home. Where he can live with me. Maybe Mulan, since she would most likely kill me if I kept him;;.

But, I can't believe that others have crushes on my pure flower. How DARE they.

Ping's Pov-

Furna, the bunny guardian that lives in our shrine, explained that she was now my guardian. Her beautiful yet unnerving voice convinced me to go to Mulan, saying that Shan Yu was after her life. While I couldn't really trust her twitching eyes, our ancestors sent her, so I will trust their decision.

Shan Yu-

"WHERE IS PING!!!" How could he leave... Why would he leave.. No. I'll get him back. I WILL MURDER ALL HIS CLOSE ONES AND BREAK HIS MIND UNTIL HE COMES BACK TO ME CRYING! I stomped off, grabbing my customised sword on the way out of my tent. How dare that bunny lead Ping out of my camp. I shall have that Bunny:s head on a skewer for a snack.

Mulan's Pov-

It's been a few days since my brother disappeared. Normally, I would have gone on a rampage to find my beloved brother, but Mushu told me that Furna, his guardian, would bring him to the imperial city. For now, I shall hold my anger in. Wouldn't want my dearest brother to see me on my rampage now would I.

I watched as my brother arrived at the captain's horse. Ping tried to tell Shang about the Hun's, but Shang was too busy glaring at his rIvAlS to notice Ping's words, Leaving him ignored.

After pulling Ping onto his horse, Shang was rewarded by the emperor, but was quickly interrupted by Shan Yu. While Shan Yu took the emperor hostage, the troops gathered themselves rather quickly, using a stone pillar to try to break down the wall.

Most of the troop died in the mountains when I caused the avalanche. You didn't think that we all fit behind that rock! Of course not! We lost a few hundred! Including those who died in the ambush....

Obviously, this meant that they weren't strong enough to open the door. I wouldn't care, I wouldn't care IF they hadn't taken my brother. I am quite sharp, so I can tell who has the intent to court my brother. I cannot let that happen.

I dressed them up as girls. It wasn't necessary, and I had a plan that didn't include dressing up as a girl, but I wanted to embarrass my brothers suitors. we made it to the porch? Verandah? I forgot, it's been years since Ping taught me what he was being learnt at school, since only boys were allowed to study. Isn't he perfect?

I decided to get Shan Yu's attention, so that the others could get the emperor and my darling brother to safety.

8/? YANDERES unlocked.

628 words

Thank you for your patience. The issue has been settled with a quick roast and a silent, "we shall never speak of this again". I will be releasing the last chapters one by one and there is a surprise in the very last chapter, that will be released specifically on the 13th of December. Thanks for your patience:)


Yandere!VariousMulan X Male ocWhere stories live. Discover now