Wayne mansion
I turn my body to see the back of my outfit. "Alfred, it's amazing. I love it! Thank you." I give him a big hug and he takes it warmly. I look back at the mirror and admire myself.
A red open jacket goes down to my calves with a black hood. I don't wear the hood though I'll keep it down until necessary. The undershirt I'm wearing is black with a red strip around each shoulder. My combat boots have been swapped out for new black military boots and my ripped jeans are replaced with fitting black combat pants and a new blue belt. Basically my bottom half is the same as Superboy. I hope he doesn't mind me stealing his look. The whole outfit is fireproof. Easy to move around in and suited to my needs, can this day get any better?
I meet Bruce with his Batman costume on inside the Bat cave where he leans on his Bat-Mobile waiting for me. He flashes a quick smile. "You dress quicker than Robin," laughing to himself.
"I try my best," I giggle with him. He opens his door and climbs in as I follow. His foot slams the pedal to the ground and we zoom out of the cave entrance and onto the street to our destination. "Where exactly are we going by the way?"
"Someplace special. Knowing what I've seen you will know a lot about this place." His eyes never leave the road, both hands on the steering wheel. When we finally stop after many twists and turns, Batman stops in a clean, grey mechanics garage. We get out of the car and he guides me by the shoulder to an elevator off to the side.
When the doors opened we walk through, but a white light spreads across my eyes and I feel dizzy for a second. I rub my eyes and open them to see that we weren't in the elevator anymore. To be honest I knew straight away, but I still couldn't believe my eyes. I am standing in the control room of the Watch Tower, home to Young Justice and the Justice League!
"Recognized, Batman A02. Recognized, Alpha A00." The voice over was exactly as I had imagined it.
"How did it recognize me? Did you already put me in the data base?" He looked confused as I was walking over to the panel, tapping away at the keyboard.
"I never put in you in the system. Yet she still recognized you." He turns to face me. "How is that possible?" He taps his fingers on the desk. "Where did you come from?"
"Earth? I don't know. I just woke up here and boom new world old brain. Is it bad that the system recognized me?" I walked closer to the control panel but Batman froze, staring at a spot behind me. I turn around and jump back a little. The one and only Superman was floating behind me.
"Who is Alpha A00?" He never took his eyes off me, or put his feet on the ground. "You need to warn us when you bring new people in here. We have rules, rules that you created." He moved his gaze towards Batman.
"I know, I just....thought that I could learn more about her here better than anywhere else." Batman turns around and starts typing again. "She doesn't come up on any of our systems apart from the coding when she entered, yet I still can't enter that specific coding file. No birth record, no ID and not CCTV footage apart from three days ago."
"Why? What happened three days ago?" Superman planted his feet on the ground and walk over to stand next to Batman.
"That's when she landed, on earth." Batman continued to try and access the file with my coding.
"You mean in a space ship? Without us knowing? How is that.."
"No. She fell from the sky and made a huge crater in the middle of a Gotham street according to civilians. At the same point in time a freak storm occurred in the same area she landed." They both looked at me them back at each other. I stand still wounded like I was just another 'thing' in their way. It feel useless.

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FantasyRiddian can control any element of fire. When she gets trapped in her comic world fantasy, does she want to get out? She has nothing to go back to anyway. That's what happens when you're an outcast.