episode 7| POOL PARTY

145 2 19

Daki: ohhhhh my muzan this break has been so nice

Nakime: you can say that again. KOKUSIHBO CAN I HAVE MORE LEMONADE!!!

Koku: Sure Nakime let me just show Gyutaro and Douma how to work the stove

Douma: so this is to turn it on and off

Koku: Yes and this one to increase the heat make stuff not to turn it to high.

Gyutaro: okay i think we are ready, douma can you go to the unranked demon butchers across the infinity castle.

Zoha: *holding ruis hand* You honestly trust him

Rui: To be fair someone should go with him.

Nakime: Akaza go with him.

Akaza: Ew no. Sekido or Urogi can go

Sekido: No. and imagine trusting a bird with fresh human meat.

Koku: he has a point. Akaza. Your. Going.

Akaza: 'my daysssss'  okay fine ill go

Koku: here is your lemonade nakime.

Nakime: Thank you dear.

Daki: Can I invite susuuuuuuuu. Oneé-channn

Gyutaro: Okay yes but stop bothering me.

Daki: Thank youu Onee-channnn

Gyutaro: how does everyone want their human eyes?

Nakime: Charred

Daki: medium and susu likes hers runny

Koku: well done

Rui & Zoha: deviled

Sekido: burnt

Urogi: hard boiled

Karaku: scrambled

Aizetsu: special

Koku: Where is kai?

Gyutaro: *Frying* I have absolutely no idea 🤞

Koku: Gyutaro kibutsuju jaboody shabana. Where is my child.

Gyutaro: wellllllllllllllllll

I am practically forcing ideas out of my brain so yeah. Have a good day and remember to eat and drink

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