Wounded Child

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In the realm of hearts, a woman dwells. Her story tells of a wound that runs deep. The absence of maternal love, a void unhealed, a tender ache, forever concealed. Through the corridors of time, she roams, seeking solace and longing for a loving home. Her in the realm of love's intricate dance, a woman often finds herself entranced by a man who, alas, cannot provide the emotional care she needs inside. Like a child seeking solace and care, her heart yearns for rare tenderness, but alas, fate weaves a cruel design, leaving her with a love that can't align. The irony of love's bitter sting is that when a man's nurturing touch is missing, she longs for a partner who'll understand, yet she finds herself in a desolate land. But fear not, dear soul, for hope remains in the depths of love's mysterious strains, for in time, a kindred spirit may in her heart's embrace, she did discover that she was not bestowed with love from her dear mother. Lessons learned, like whispers in the breeze: a tender bond, woven with gentle ease.

In the realm of selflessness, she dwelled-her own needs, a distant bell. With grace and strength, she carried on, putting others first until her own were gone. In shadows deep, she hides her truth for fear of disapproval's ruth. Her words were restrained, and her voice was suppressed. Less criticism laid her soul to rest. Silenced, she walks on fragile ground, where judgment's whispers can be found. Her thoughts, like petals, wilt away. In the face of disapproval's sway. Oh, how she longs to freely speak, to let her truth's In the realm of her heart's tender sway, she ponders love's enigmatic way, believing it demands selfless deeds-to sacrifice one's own desires, indeed.

In the realm of loyalty, a delicate dance, tolerance weaves its intricate stance. Disrespect and abuse, like shadows that creep, Blinding her eyes, red flags were buried deep. To be loyal, a virtue that is steadfast and true yet veiled in its essence, is a dangerous hue. Unable to see, her vision was obscured. Red flags flutter, their warnings unheard. Loyalty's grip, a double-edged sword, bound her heart with its deceptive accord. Through misty haze, she remains unaware. As red flags whisper, lost in the air, in a realm where wounded souls reside, she stands as a perfect match by his side. Catering to his unmet childhood needs, she strives to mend his heart where it bleeds. Playing the role of a nurturing mother, she tends to him like no other. Yet, as she gives, she starts to feel drained. Depleted and resentful, her emotions hurt. His love, it seems, is conditional. Unable to pour into her, it's not reciprocal. A one-sided bond where she longs for more, yearning for emotional love to be restored.

In the realm of love, she treads with care. A heart entangled in a web of despair Unhealthy bonds, like chains, hold her tight. She yearns to be needed, day and night. Fear whispers softly, its voice so strong, A haunting melody, where she belongs. In the depths of darkness, she finds her solace. A longing to be needed is her heart's true promise. Yet, deep within, a flicker of light, a glimmer of hope, shines so brightly. She dreams of freedom and untamed love. In solitude's embrace, she finds her way, learning to love herself day by day.

As a teacher to the child within her soul, unconditional love is her only goal. No longer playing small, she takes her stand, embracing worthiness hand in hand. For healthy relationships, she yearns, A flame within her heart forever burns. In search of solace, a woman yearns, A map to guide her, her heart discerns. Within her depths, a mother wound resides. A tender ache is where pain resides. She seeks a path, a healing balm, to mend the hurt and bring her calm. Through the tangled woods, her spirit roams. In search of answers, she longs to come home with every step.

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