I look from her to the door and back to her because frankly this is worrying me now more than this morning "What the fuck is this about a Peeping Tom?" I ask again, my voice almost cracking embarrassingly.
I notice her smirk slightly, meaning she noticed my voice sounding like I'm twelve.

"Surprised you're not asking me about my aunt first since you're so fascinated with her."

"Wednesday." I groan, knowing she knows I'm practically begging to move the conversation along.
Her posture changes a little and she turns her face away from me for a moment

"I've been dealing with a situation for a few months, this person, like Lyla said, probably a man, sent me pictures of myself and whoever was around me when he took the photos." She answers finally, with a tone that says 'mind your own business'. But since it's apparently on the phone I gifted her and I just don't feel like it, I'm not gonna head the warning.

"How long?"

"Since right after the break started."

"What did he say?"

"'I'm watching you', with a little moving cartoon of figure who looks like me with a knife getting stabbed in the head."

"Holy shit Wednesday, why did you say anything? We could've gone to change your number or chuck the whole phone out all together and I would've gotten you a new one." I say, freaked that Dolores had even more reason than she even knows to be scared. Should I tell her? Would Wednesday know if I did? Who am I kidding, of course she would.

"That would solve nothing." She answers

"It would cut off the creepy texts."

"I don't want them to stop because he can't contact me. I want them to stop because I got him to in a much more direct way than just blocking him."

"Of course you do." I say rubbing my eyes "I'm pretty sure you're like 80% responsible for raising my blood pressure this early in life."

"You sure it wasn't your life threatening injuries from last year or the fact that three people, one of whom was dead, tried to commit genocide on us a few months ago."

"Positive." I snap

"In any case, I suspected it was you for a second before I realized that would be too obvious and I should probably stop accusing you of crimes given my track record."

"Well look at you, showing some self-awareness."

She ignores my jab and continues "Then I thought maybe it was Laurel Gates since I'd found those pictures of me in her jewelry box when I investigated the Gates Mansion. But she'd have to be getting someone on the outside to send these messages for her and taking all these pictures."

I go to sit on her bed and she turns to look at me and doesn't say anything

"What? You can lay in mine but I can't-" she cuts me off before I can finish and continues while I settle myself into the neatly done bed.

"I thought maybe one of Tyler's idiot friends, but they'd have to be able to get in to Nevermore or have someone take pictures for them, send it to them, alert Gates, she'd have to tell them what to send with them and when, then confirm to her that they did their job. Now it turns out they might or might not be in Seattle." She shrugs annoyedly as she places her forearms on the edge of her desk and plays with her fingers.

"So you don't have any solid leads?" I ask

"Lyla thinks he's using some kind of masking to hide where he is or where he's sending the messages from." She taps her nails on the desk once over. She grabs the phone from next to me on the desk where Lyla left it. "What are all these?"

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