Chapter Six

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Moana and Aukai, who held a torch in his hand, guided Tala up a steep slope by the ocean.

"You've been told all our people's stories... but one," Tala said to Moana as she walked up to the wall.

"What is this place?" Moana asked.

"You got me," Aukai agreed. "This is the first time I've ever been on this side of the island."

"Do you think our ancestors stayed within the reef?" Tala asked. Using her cane, she pulled aside some low-hanging vines. A wall made of small rocks pieced together like a puzzle fell in the torchlight.

After Tala told him to, Aukai pushed the rocks in, forming an entrance to a cave. A gust of wind blew from the hole.

"Ooh!" Tala said in a spooky voice as Moana stepped forward.

"What's in there?" Moana asked as she looked inside the cave. A tunnel led deeper into the mountain.

"The answer to the question you keep asking yourself," Tala answered as she handed Moana the torch. "Who are you meant to be?"


Moana journeyed inside the cave as her Grandmother's voice echoed in her mind.

"Go inside... bang the drum... and find out."

Reaching the end of the tunnel, Moana smiled. In the torchlight, she saw canoes. Giant boats with pictures on their sails. One sail had fish. Another showed a picture of Maui holding his fish hook.

But Moana's favorite was the little boat at the edge of the pool. It sat in front of a waterfall as if it were ready to set sail. The boat had enough room for three people, a large red spiral painted on its sail.

 The boat had enough room for three people, a large red spiral painted on its sail

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"Whoa," Moana said as she walked up to the little boat. Smiling, she thrust her torch's grip into the sand as she climbed aboard. Hanging on to a rope, she looked down at the pool and then up at the waterfall.

As Moana ran her hand along the sail, it moved, revealing the biggest boat she had ever seen. On its giant sail was a picture of boats sailing from one island to another.

Climbing aboard the big boat, Moana inspected it before seeing a metal block in front of her. Two thick wooden sticks lay on top.

"Bang the drum," Moana said to herself as she picked up the sticks. She beat it once.

The beat echoed across the cave's walls.

She beat it again. Twice this time. But what happened next caused her to gasp.

Three drum beats responded in rhythm.

Mustering her courage, Moana beat the drum a third time, matching the beat she just heard.

She yelped as the torches on the boats all lit up magically. Ethereal whispers filled the air as she turned back toward the sail. As she studied the picture, she could've sworn they were beginning to move.

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