Duty & Pleasure

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"You look beautiful, dear.", a soft voice said. Lady Thalissa, the duchess of Lamrian entered Alex her chambers and gazed at the beautiful floral gown her stepchild was wearing with a tiny tiara like a princess on her head.

"Is my make-up alright? I also wore matching high-heels today in case..."

"Don't worry, you look great.", she squeezed Alex back tightly, then drawed back to hold her at arm's lenght and smiled.

"Thank you, I... I'm just a bit nervous. It's my very first garden party as the heir of Lamrian. Well, it's not just any small garden party. It's a royal garden party. How many will...?"

"Dear, you have nothing to worry about. Just enjoy yourself. Make contacts and form new alliances to strenghten Lamrian. Today you are the star.", Thalissa explained and led her outside in the palace garden of Lamrian.

Outside everything was decorated with colorful flowers and pixies flew around for entertaining themselves and the guests. Lady Thalissa has organized a royal garden party in Lamrian and invites some fae friends, royals and nobles. Her main goal was to strenghten their bound and friendship with friends and allies of the duchy. Everyone including Alex were wearing floral costumes, suits or gowns to match with the party theme and celebrated the birth of the spring season. Peacocks elegantly strolled around the garden and showcasted their natural beauty. The guests were having a great time playing games, for example: Royal croquet, Pixie Ball and more. Some even decided to play instruments to make music for a more lively atmosphere while others danced to it.

Everything was so beautiful for Alex, but also a bit overwhelming. Wouldn't it be great to share such a beautiful time with her friends or a special someone? While Lady Thalissa, the duchess greeted and mingled with her guests, Alex tried to do the same. Afterall Lamrian hosted this party which means for Alex and Thalissa to make sure that everything runned smoothly and there should be no complaint from any guest. Showing her friendliest smile Alex, the future heir of Lamrian tried her best to get know the rest of the fae royals and nobles. Some seem very polite and friendly to her and welcomed her warmly, but then other nobles tried to avoid her or even ignored her. For them she seemed to be an outsider, no full-blooded fae, a regular human who shouldn't be worthy to rule one day as a duchess over Lamrian and become a member of the royal fae court. But hopefully one day Alex could prove them wrong.

"Alex, dear... Would you like to play the violin for the guests? I once heard you playing alone in your chambers and it was truely beautiful", Lady Thalissa, her stepmother encouraged her and ordered a fae servant to bring a violin from the royal music hall.

It was a beautiful golden instrument decorated with expensive, little gemstones. Something that Alex has never seen or touched, but it wasn't her own violin from back home. Her own familar instrument which her mother, Jacqueline gifted her and shared beautiful memories of mother and daughter making music together. She loved her instrument and always brought it with her while travelling. It must be lying somewhere in her royal chambers upstairs. Lonely and untouched.

It was strange for her to hold another violin and not her own. The violin she shared so many memories with and always calmed her down when she was was alone, sad or even crying. Her loyal little instrument upstairs waiting for her. It may look like a regular violine. Not golden with pretty gemstones, but for her it was her loyal companion. Now it's too late for Alex to rush upstairs and get her own violine, because now several fae nobles and royals curiously glancing at her and waiting for her to finally play. Before, she only played for herself and never for others, but now... Her music guided her and expressed her feelings and emotions. Her music was only her's. But if she has to play for others, then she will. For Lady Thalissa and Lamrian. For her beloved father, Lord Elric who passed away but trusted her that she will do well as his heir.

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