Chapter 15

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Hi! Sorry for not updating in ages, there's a new competition on DATL Facebook Page. Hope you enjoy this chapter! Thanks for reading,
~The Sparkles~
Sitting in the middle of no where is no fun. Now, add on to this the fact that I just found out that from guilt, Kai went to try and get Stefan and Damon's mum. On the way back Bonnie left Kai there with no means of escape.
After just getting out relationship back on track, fate just had to throw something back in our faces.
The only person I loved who didn't prefer Elena over me, the only person I would die for... Is gone.
I tried to kill Bonnie then remembered that Kai wanted to make amends, meaning I can't hurt her anymore.
So I just took it out on Damon. Who in turn, snapped my neck, shoved me in the car, drove me to the middle of nowhere then left me there.
So now, with no means of getting home, I was as stranded as Kai.
I've been sat at the side of a road for the past few hours begging for a car to drive past. As well as having smudged mascara from all my tears streaming down my cheek.
Albeit blurry, I could make out a Pick Up Truck. I couldn't help but start to scream.
"PLEASE STOP! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!" I begged while jumping up and down.
The Pick Up Truck slowed down until it was in front of me. Slowly winding down a window, it revealed a pretty cute guy.
Not as cute as Kai...
"Hi! Thank you so much for stopping! My jerkwad of an ex left me out here ages ago," I explained with a grateful smile.
Once he started to talk I instantly caught onto the fact that I sure as hell wasn't in Virginia anymore. Louisiana, more than likely, "It's fine, where do you need to go?"
I let out a small sigh when I was finally able to sit on a seat rather than a rock.
"Um, how far are we away from Mystic Falls, Virginia?" I asked hesitantly.
The man let off a chuckle before replying, "What a coincidence, I am actually on my way there. You and your ex must have drove for a while before he ditched you."
I nodded attempting to stifle the need to snap someone's neck.
We sat in an uncomfortable silence for a while until I turned the radio on. Instantly my favourite song came on and I started to sing along.
"I was scared of dentists and the dark. I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations. Oh all my friends are turning green. You're the magicians assistant in their dreams."
I couldn't help but realise that Mr Accent had a small grin on his dribbled chin.
Turning to look at him I felt the need to ask him what he was smiling at. I got no answer until Mr Accent gave me a rather vague one.
"You're a good singer."
The ride was silent, yet also comfortable. Looking out the window, I watched tree after tree pass. Not too long after, it began to rain.
A feeling of relief ran through me when I realised that if not for Mr Accent I would be drenched.
Suddenly, my surroundings became familiar. We passed Mystic Grill, Mystic Primary, Mystic High, Mystic Shop and Mystic Park.
Yes, they are THAT imaginative. There is even a street called Mystic Street. I'm not even over exaggerating.
"Well, I'm going to Mystic Grill, are you ok with me dropping you off there?" He asked, breaking the ever lasting silence.
"That would be amazing, thank you."
Mr Accent nodded before pulling up to Mystic Grill.
I stepped out of the Pick Up Truck, having to jump slightly. The curse of being tiny...
"Again, thanks..." I trailed off showing that I didn't know his name.
"Dean, Dean White," Dean replied with a smirk.
"Thanks so much, Dean. I'm Katerina, Katerina Gilbert."
Something clicked in his eyes before a look of terror filled his eyes.
"Please d-don't kill me," Dean stuttered.
As if today couldn't become even more weird, "Why would I kill you? You've just helped me out."
Without giving me a reply he jumped back in his truck before driving off. Yep, totally not weird...
Pacing towards the windowed doors of Mystic Grill, I caught sight of someone I would love to kill right now.

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