My Secret (Niall Horan fanfic)

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It was a dark and rainy night and everything was going all right until James got home. He had been out drinking with a couple of his lads. I was sitting on the couch drinking tea when the front door swung open and James stepped in. He just glared at me with his blood shot eyes and pushed his jacket to the floor.

"Please don't make a mess." I said, trying not to make eye contact with his angry face.

"What did you just say?" He snapped back.

"I asked that you don't make a mess."

"Don't tell me what to do!" James yelled once again.

He picked his jacket up off of the floor and tossed it onto the couch. As I sat in silence and James swiftly brushed past me and made his way into the kitchen.

"Where is the beer?" James's voice hitched as the fridge door slammed. He stood in the doorway staring at me once again. I tried to ignore him, that was a mistake. James came over to me and grabbed my wrists and pulled me to my feet.

"You're hiding it."

"No I am not, you drank it all last night. Let me go!" His grip only grew tighter.

I tried to wiggle free but he just threw me back onto the couch.

"Stop!" I cried but he just bent down and tried to kiss me.

Somehow I managed to throw him off of me and make a run for it. I grabbed my pair of TOMS that were next to the front door, slipped them on, and ran. James could catch up to me but I ran as fast as I could go.


My hair and clothes were soaked. I just continued walking in the rain, not knowing where to go. My wrists were swollen along with my bruises on my face from last night. James got drunk again and took a few swings at my face.

The rain began to slow down as the sound of someones car tires slowed beside me until they stopped. It was very dark so I could not see who the driver was. I walked alittle faster, praying I wasn't going to get stolen.

"Are you okay?" The guy asked me.

"Yeah, fine." I looked at the guy in the silver car. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. The man was also wearing a Beatles shirt and dark jeans.

"No you are not. Get in." His voice becoming serious.

"F-fine." I opened the cold door and stepped in.

"Who are you and what happened? Why are there bruises?" He asked me.

"My name is Paige, and... my boyfriend...he hit me." I whispered.

"Im sorry I didn't know. I am Niall." Niall looked down at his feet.

"Don't worry about it." Tears started falling down my cheeks.

Niall lifted up my hand and examined it carefully but his face grew into a frown. I felt oddly comfortable with him.

"I better be going." I said as I reached for the door handle.

"No. I'm taking you to my place," His deep Irish accent whispered. "I promise I wont hurt you."

To be honest I was kind of scared. I was in a strangers car going to his flat. What if something happens? All these thoughts gathered in my mind as we slowly approached his flat.

Niall's car slowly came to a stop and he opened the door to get out, he was a lot taller than I expected. The Irish man came over to the passenger door and pulled it open while reaching for my hand. I was a little shy but I trusted him anyway.

"Right in here." He said as he took me into his flat.

It was a cute home actually. The walls were light brown with hardwood floor. Niall let me down a narrow hallway that let to his bathroom.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked him, my heart was racing.

"To the bathroom, I am going to get you cleaned up." Niall pushed open a door that led to a small blue bathroom and I sat down on the toilet seat.

Niall closed the door behind him and reached up into the closet, he was digging around for something. After a few minutes, he pulled out a wash cloth and soap.

I was still sitting on the seat when Niall crouched down in front of me.

"What are you doing?" Suddenly I started to get afraid. Why did I actually get into his car? He could kill me!

"Shhh." He whispered. Niall raised the damp wash cloth to my face and began to clean the cuts. I hissed in pain and he placed his hand on my jaw.

"Stay still." Niall whispered once again. I began to study his face, Niall's eyes were a beautiful ocean blue.

"Your eyes are really pretty." Niall dropped his arms down and rested his palms in mine. We looked into each others eyes for a few moments. He was stunning, everything about him was perfect. Suddenly he started leaning closer to me and I did the same. At first our lips brushed but then we kissed. Sooner then I wanted, Niall pulled away.

"I-Im sorry." He stuttered.

"It's okay Niall." I gripped his hand tighter.

He stood tall above me and pulled me to my feet.

"Thank you." I smiled shyly.

"Do you have a place to stay?" Niall asked me with a sad expression.

"Well I guess I have to go back to James." I sighed.

"Please don't. You can stay here."

"Niall Im not sure if -"

"You can stay in my bed. I will stay on the couch."

"I feel like I am intruding."

"Not at all love." Niall took my hand and led me down to his bedroom.

"Let me get you some dry clothes." I took off my TOMS by the door and walked over to the bed.

"Here, wear these." He handed me a pair of black hoop shorts and a plain white t-shirt.

"Where can I change?" I asked Niall as I grabbed the clothing from him.

He pointed to a door on the other side of the master bedroom. I stood up and made my way to the bathroom.

Once I closed the door, I stripped down into my underwear . Niall's clothes smelt just like him.

"Is everything okay?" Niall called threw the outside of the door

"Yeah." I answered.

I opened the door and Niall was standing there already dressed in his night clothes.

"You look nice in my clothes." He smiled.

I walked over to his bed once again and sat down.

"Goodnight." Niall said as he closed the door behind him.

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