Owl House S1 EP1 - Lying Witch and the Warden

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Owl House Season 1 Episode 1 – Lying Witch and the Warden

Disclaimer: I do not own Owl House or its characters. Just Luke.

Here he is. My OC, Luke Noceda:

All credits for the artwork masterpiece go to Deviantart user: EezySeven

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All credits for the artwork masterpiece go to Deviantart user: EezySeven

I've also posted on Fanfiction website just in case:

And now with that out of the way, let's get this Rewrite started! Enjoy!

Today is beautiful, sunny day in a town. A large billboard on one of the buildings read:

Welcome to Gravesfield!

Luke (Narrator): Welcome to Gravesfield! A small town in Cansas which has a history of medieval witchcraft and witch hunters.

We see a couple stood in front of a statue of two medieval men, the woman taking a picture of it. A couple cars were going down the road and some kids were walking down the sidewalk with their parents.

Scenes shift to a park revealing birds chirping away, children with their parents either walking down the streets, taking in the sights or playing in the park, families having a picnic and dogs playing with their owners.

Luke (Narrator): These days, the town is pretty lively. You wanna know why? Because it's summertime. Ah...a time of leisure, recreation, playing video games, chilling out on the beach, spending time with your family and taking it easy...unless you're me.


Scenes quickly shift outside of Gravesfield Middle School, a bunch of students were taking their leave after a long. We go inside in front of what looked like the door to a principal's office.

Outside the door was a Dominican-American woman wearing a light blue medical nurse outfit and glasses with dark brown eyes, tan skin, and dark titian hair. She had been called to the school because of a certain incident and she had a good feeling what it was. Whatever it was is making her distressed.

Camilla: Dios Mio, not again.

Camilia walked into the principal's office and saw two people in the office waiting for her.


One was the principal of the school, Principal Hal, an adult male with dark skin, grey hair and a moustache wearing a light grey shirt with a blue tie.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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