I Will Make This Right

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This is one of many songs that I have just written because of things that are important to me I will explain more later.

Verse 1
Right now, I live my life As a pain in your eyes, but now I see A new way, to breath.
Im incredible stuck in this world with you to treat me like a child, why must you treat me this way today is the day I will make this right.
Verse 2
Dream on Like the clouds In the sky While it's gray Learn To breath A new way Now.
Cause your incredible stuck in this world with folks to treat you like a child why must you treat me this way today is the day I will make this right.

1st verse- about a person who is disliked and treated badly and she is going to change the way she is viewed by others. She is not gonna let them faze her tho.

2nd verse- she is talking about how others are getting treated badly and she is willing to change the way haters think about them.
She doesn't want people to start feeling bad about themselves and to just breathe and not let them faze you.

She is willing to fight for rights.

[Idk why this song came into my head but I liked it.]

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