Walk Away

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I made this song about my crush, and I just wanted other people to see it, sorry if it's bad.

Verse 1
The boy was 16 in camo sittin on the bed of his truck. There was a girl who was 15 laying on her bed in a tuff, she was wondering how she could get the boy to fall I love with her someday, so she asked a few friends to help her out and they said
Just kiss him, just listen, just ask a question and get the answer and walk away, walk away.
Verse 2
The girl has anxiety when the she stands close to him, the boy wonder what is wrong when he sees her hold her breath, she asked a few friends to help her out and they said
Just kiss him, just listen, just ask a question and get the answer, and walk away, walk away.

This sing is about my crush that I've liked on and off since 2018, I've tried to stop liking him but I can't get him out of my mind, and I asked my few what I should do and they said talk to him, kiss him [which is so weird] and just listen to him talk get to know his interests.

Update from a year later: I did end up not having a crush on him anymore. I'm free from this crush on a donkey looking thing. I'm still keeping the song though.

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