The Kirby Apocalypse

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Once there was a girl named Rachel, Rachel and her friends named, Noah, Iulia, Aarushi, Simon, Colin, Ada, Sid, C-Dot, Riley, And Paul. Simon is a dad. He has two kids named Darren, And Sid. Simon was a football player for the MEU.His son named Sid loved to explore the wilderness. And Darren was an indoor kid so he liked to sit on the couch and play Kirby games. One day there was a huge earthquake and Darren forgot to turn off his Kirby game and it had a major glitch because the game came to life. Sid was in bed when he heard this growling noise and he went downstairs to the kitchen to see what was going on and he saw a Kirby and it was a ferocious Kirby because the Kirby tried to bite Sid! Darren heard the kirby clench its jaws and came down to see sid and the kirby fighting then Simon came down the wrong stairs and got bitten by kirby and started turning pink.he soon turned into a little small chubby kirby and launched at us so we packed our stuff and left to the back yard and into our tree house they took the wood cutting tools and shaped the tree for battle. 2 years later  they had faced many waves of kirbys but one day they faced a Kirby pack with Meta Knight and he was trying to get free. The pack soon realized that they had to face them but they also had 8 other captives and they were from school and so they shot baseballs and footballs at them and soon had one left to face the boss and that was a huuuuuuuuge Kirby and I mean huge. A tiny Kirby held the keys to the chains so they could set them free. Darren and Sid quickly nodded at each other and started to throw soccer balls, softballs, and their screwdriver and as soon as the screw driver hit the kirby it sank in and then fell out and the kirby started to deflate and then it poofed and it's soul went back to the screen then they knew what to do so they grabbed all the screwdrivers and the meta night flew away . Sid was walking to get supplies but saw a teenage Kid get surrounded by Kirby's. Sid shot arrows at the Kirby's. After that he helped Noah up but had seen that Noah had a bite mark, He exclaimed "How are you not infected!?" Noah said " I don't know, it's like I'm not bothered by it," Sid tried to ignore the fact and brought him to their base. But Sid had to explain everything to the team so they wouldn't kill him.  Darren thought of an idea and he said "Let's give him a makeover!" Noah look at them and boom before he could say anything he got a makeover, but it suits him well, Him after make over

After that they decided to rest for the evening.  The next morning Darren decided to make breakfast for everyone, Ada woke up and peeked around the corner and asked "What are you cooking?" "Just some bacon and eggs." After everyone woke up they all said "Good morning!" After that Noah got on his motorcycle and brought Sid with him.  Everyone got on their motorcycle and split up in groups except Rachel since she had to make a cure if someone got bit. But when we met up at the other base we had,  we saw the other group. Darren stared at them dead in the eyes. "What do you want y'all duck faces?" exclaimed the other team leader. "We are here for our base, Why?" Said Noah, "Well it's ours now!" "What! No! We found it first!!" Yelled Aarushi "No you didn't!" screamed Johnny, "Fine we don't want any trouble so it's all yours now!" yelled Joe. and the other team left, But we encountered Kirby with a knife but it sprinted right at Noah! Noah first said "Wait is that a Kirby! Wha- WAIT NO-" Noah began sprinting for her lifetime even though it never bothered him. Chase ran after Kirby and Iulia blocked Noah so he'd stay still. Kirby bit right onto the back  of Noah's hoodie hat. "GET IT OFF!!!!" Noah screamed. Noah threw a tantrum about like a thing he is. After Tugging, Pulling, And yelling, Iulia and Chase finally got Kirby off hitting it with a pan. And They made it back to their base. Rachel welcomed them back since she stayed behind. Noah on the other hand raged and just belly flopped on the bed. Aarushi, Paul, "What happened to Noah?"
They Asked. Noah fell asleep in a tired position. Rachel put a blanket over Noah in case he got cold. "What happened to you guys?" Rachel asked. Paul-Theo replied with. "A big fight with a kirby." Rachel Said "You guys must be tired, take a nap, I'll watch over." Rachel looked over and made some medicine for them. Sid and Darren looked at the 12 mile radius and saw that they had company and said "uh guys we got company Noah, Iulia, and C-dot on the deck now you guys are going to distract them and when you got them distracted me Sid, Colin, Riley and paul you guys are going to take the screwdrivers and you guys are going to get them from behind do I make myself clear?" "yes Darren" all the teens said as they walked out the door or up the stairs. In the meantime, Rachel found a cure to the Kirby infection. Aarushi came over and asked what Rachel was doing. Rachel said,"I found a cure to the Kirby apocalypse!" "Yay!" Aarushi said. "Wait, what is it supposed to be?" Aarushi asked quietly "well it is a- Uhm.." Rachel couldn't speak, Noah asked " Rachel what is wrong?" The moment after Noah said that Rachel collapsed. "Rachel!" yelled Darren. Iulia said " Dont touch her, She's infected!" They all had to leave Rachel and find a new base. 3 weeks pass and half the team is infected. Only Iulia and Noah were the last survivors. The very next day Noah woke up to see that Iulia was gone, Iulia had perished overnight due to a seizure, "Iulia!" Noah yelled but it was too late. 6 years later and Noah was 16. He had found the cure and He had fixed everything. All he was missing was his friends. To be continued? And then Kirby saw Noah, then Noah threw the last screwdriver at the last kirby. It was over! And Noah walked home.

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