Kirby Apocalypse And The Crystal Of The Almighty Kirby

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Caroline's POV:
After a while of Caroline walking she felt a sudden disturbance, Like a stare at her while walking. By now the time has grown dark and it has turned cold, Caroline began to panic as she started running a bit to get out of there. She heard rustling noises as she ran faster every second, she yelled out, "Hello!? Is anyone here!" After desperate calls for help she gave up and continued to run. Suddenly she heard a dark low growl behind her that made her freeze horrified and she said with a trembled voice, "H-Hello? Is anyone there..?" She slowly turned around and saw the plump huge kirby with blood red eyes and thousands of sharp white teeth bared at her with a growl. Caroline screamed as loud as she could and then began running but with a chase behind her. "HELP PLEASE ANYBODY HELP ME!!" she cried and begged for help while running, soon enough she lost the gigantic Kirby and arrived at an abandoned looking city and heard people talking. They sounded familiar, she started walking around in distress as she tried to find the people.

          The group:
As the group was walking they stumbled upon footsteps. Not just any footsteps they were human steps. "Hey guys do you think these footsteps were Carolines?" Noah asked. "Since she has gone missing we need to follow those footsteps 'cause they could lead us to her."

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