Kirby Apocalypse And The Return Of The Kirby's

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They all defeated most of the kirbies but there was one and it broke out all of the kirbies from the TV so the whole Kirby apocalypse was happening again.

Noah sighed as he stared at the old picture frame of him and his friends in a photo,Suddenly a loud alarm went on and Noah immediately opened the news. "This is Jessica Hollymanda, And we are afraid the Kirby apocalypse has begun. Please remain very calm. We will get through this together." Noah stared at the television horrified, " This can't be happening, I got the cure! Everything worked out! Right..?"  Noah took a step to his apartment window and he saw his little brother getting tackled by one kirby. "Evan!" Evan, his little brother went outside to play. But he is only 7 so he was startled by the alarm and he fell. Noah got Evan to safety and told him not to worry, Luckily he wasn't harmed. "Evan, Mom and Dad aren't home yet, but go pack your stuff and let's go.."  Noah was more afraid of what would happen to his brother than him. After they both packed they took off to Evan's tree house.  They looked at their tree house and nodded at it. Noah looked at the tool shed and Noah jumped down and ran down to the tool shed and grabbed all of the tools and knives. He heard a growling noise and he jolted up and ran for cover under a rusty metal table and he heard the growling noise again and he saw his parents!!! He was hiding under the table and saw the big round and pink feet of Kirby and accidentally hit his head on the top of the table and Kirby's feet turned towards him and he ran for it. Noah wasn't really fazed since they can't do anything to him, He drop-Kicked Kirby and ran away holding his brother and his luggage. They all ran to the woods and in the woods they saw the meta night, the exact meta knight that the group of kirby's had the night of the first attack. There was also a king Dedede/ Kirby King. So then he took out some of the tools and started cutting the vines. The king Dedede  and meta knight flopped to the ground and groaned. He immediately grabbed one of the many packs of band aids and put them on the two characters and they slowly leaned up and Noah said "Hey you guys need to get some rest we have a big day ahead of us." And Noah and the three people and characters fell asleep. In the morning Noah looked around and found out that King Dedede and Meta Knight were missing. "Meta? Dedede? WHERE ARE YOU??" Noah thought that he had lost two friend's but then he heard rustling. He yelled "Who's there!" but found out Meta and Dedede brought Evan hunting for food. "Oh thank god you guys are here I thought you guys were stolen or lost. Noah looked surprised but at the same time he was really relieved and she said "Come guys sit down, you guys need to tell me when you guys are going somewhere ." "wh-" "and how are you guys in shape for hunting?" "I don't know, it seems like we never get tired much." They all said at the same time "still you guys just were tangled up in vines and you guys had blood on you from head to toe so stop scaring me here!!!" They apologized and they went on. A few months later they found out that there was a neighborhood in the woods old and abandoned. They slowly walked through the abandoned neighborhood. All three of them were back to back walking so they wouldn't get attacked by kirbys and it turns out these kirbys have a mind of their own because Noah screamed and a kirby jumped out of the bushes and tried to attack him. He lunged at it with full strength and grabbed his pocket knife and stabbed it and it slowly deflated. "What was that I never knew that you had a pocket knife and I especially didn't know that you were so good at attacking them!" Evan said loudly. "Ooh!" Noah said "were you even listening to me?" "oh what oh right yeah yeah you're right we should do what he says" Noah said while searching the ground "uhhhhh whatcha doin?" "oh I saw a taser somewhere around ooh ahh! There it is we might need it later on so yeah let's kee- no no nononoononono "what!!!" "uhh i guess he was turned back into a human after I stopped it!!" "Wait, what is happening here?" "So basically this taser has sid's and paul's  initials on it so i'm guessing they are alive!!!" "well that's a-lot to take in" "but, maybe they are in one of these houses?" "but they could be held captive and we could get in just as much trouble-" "well I'm with  Noah this one because they saved our lives why not save theirs" king Dedede said, "I agree with Dedede" meta knight softly said "fine we'll do it let's go to that one I heard some sounds from that one" Evan said "k" meta knight said as they walked over there they heard some growling inside the barn and Noah definitely figured that it was a kirby as Noah peeked inside he saw Sid and Paul being roasted and no not the silly kind of roasted and they were all fighting on who should get the first bite with that Noah told the others and they barged in saying "Sorry to crash the party!" with that they lunged forward while Evan was unraveling them from certain death he signaled to the other people and they left and as they slammed the door they heard a stampede of Kirbys coming so they started to run once they were at a dead end Noah and Evan looked at the bushes and lunged into the bushes pulling meta knight and King Dedede along. They saw all of the kirbys chasing after nothing. Once they were all gone they went into the cabin and to their surprise there were still 4 more kirbys. Noah and the others lunged forward. Noah looked at the taser in his pocket and raised his hands saying that he gave up then all the kirbys slowly walked towards him. Once one was in range he leaped forward and shocked the kirby and the other kirbys leaped forward with their mouths open and sucking everything Noah held on to Evan by the meta knight was sucked in and noah felt a strange energy buzzing in his feet and lunged forward with his sword and poked it and the kirby went through the wall and crashed into a tree. Noah turned around and all of the kirbys returned and they all leaped forward. Noah tried to move but that weird feeling returned and his eyes lit up and he leaped into the air and Evan screamed "NOAH!!!!" "I'm gonna be fine" Noah responded without thinking and with those last words the kirbys combined together to make a huge Kirby that swallowed him whole. He saw meta knight hanging in something and he held him and took his sword and this time he didn't feel buzzing he got a headache and his eyes lit up and he snapped and the kirby exploded leaving Evan and King Dedede stunned as soon as the kirby exploded he fell to the ground with a loud thump and Dedede and Evan rushed over to help him. "Uhhh hello???''Paul said but said sorry as soon as Sid gave him the not the right time glare. Noah jolted awake and said "wh- wha- what happened?" "oh it's a shame that you don't remember it. You were so co!-"Paul was about to say something but Sid cut him off saying"Bruh you ain't cool when you do that""well you aren't either!" "stop your blibber blabber! ya'll need to learn to get along!!" "How can we get along then mr. know it all!" "Uhhhh just just learn to get along!!! And I am not mr. I know it all, I am Noah!" "Jeez you meany!" Sid mumbled "Okay let's go to the tree house K?...K"Noah said with a groan of pain "but wait we need to get our stuff!" "Where is your stuff?"Noah asked, "Oh, it is in our bigger and better treehouse" "Yours ha, it can't be better than mine!" "Ohhh yes it can welllll I suppose that if you wanted to see it we could let you come into our home oh but still you could just make us sleep on the wet and soggy floor oh bu-" "okay that is enough!!! We'll go okay? Is that good enough for you? That's what I thought'' as they were walking in the forest they stopped at a tree with a rope and Sid pulled it an elevator/ carrier took them up into the highest tree and they walked on the platform and they went into their rooms they got their stuff and said "to bad that all of us couldn't fit in here" Paul said sarcastically tilting his head towards the guest bedrooms and Noah and his brother Evan were convinced that they had a way better bedroom than all of the others and they decided to move into Pauls and Sids place and so they all said "let us get our stuff so we can move into this place"Noah said giving Sid a grumpy face and with that noah and Evan went to go retrieve their stuff. On the way to the tree house Evan saw something in the bushes and he said that he would be right back. Evan walked closer and with every step he took the creature stepped back. Evan leaped on it pinning it to the ground. As Evan opened his eyes  he was surprised to see a real, living, not mutated dog! Evan ran to Noah and evan nudged his shoulder showing him the brand new cavalier king charles spaniel and at first noah was very cautious about the newly named dog keefe, but then he started to warm up to the dog. Noah grabbed their suitcases and packed some stuff for king Dedede and meta knight, and went to the store to get some stuff for keefe and they also got a game. As soon as they got back they all settled into their rooms not knowing what to say at the side and Paul's amazing bedroom crafting skills. "Ya wanna go to the store and get some medicine so we can craft our own medicine using those medicines and then we'll be safe from th-"paul was saying until Noah cut him off saying "you are too much like a chatterbox so stop chattering or i'll go stuff you in a room and then you can chatter all you want in that room and we won't even care that we locked you in a room." Noah said sarcastically "fine jeez you don't have to be so against talking ya know because without a way to speak through mouths then we can't work things out also you can't warn someone sooooo without talking you would be a kirby right now searching the ground for intruders biting survivors" "just. Stop. TALKING!!!!!" Noah said angrily. Paul replied "you're so mean!" he said. Noah scoffed  "don't you do that to me" paul said "ohhhohoho now you think that your the boss i-" Sid cut Noah off saying "you need to get along because how are we supposed to defeat the kirbys if ya'll are fighting" "why do you always use that bad southern "ya'll" and "ain't" it is seriously weird!" "Go to your rooms. Sid clean the floors, Noah you make the beds, and Paul you open the blinds and if you don't then you'll be locked inside a room, the storage room!" "can i just go to my tree house and get some peace and quiet?" "fine but bring your weapons so you can fight some kirbys" Evan said while handing him the swords and blades. Noah was walking along the old hiking path to their old house when she stumbled upon a rock and fell in the mud. Noah was walking back to the tree house and went to wash his face. Once he finished cleaning his face he went out with king Dedede and meta knight to hunt for dinner they spotted a deer galloping away from a baby kirby and Noah shot both the kirby and the deer. Noah gathered some of the meat and skin and brought it back to the tree house. Noah came out and sat on the floor and asked everyone if they wanted to play a game. Paul was still mad at Noah and so he said "nonononononono! I don't want to play a game with you, your mean rude and disrespectful self" he said in a whiny tone. "Then why don't we just go to the other's house and chillax" "you mean like Colins and Rachel's house?!" "yup cuz maybe they are in their house and we could just chill there!" " Just chill there!? They either died or are still alive and they are just in their house or their hideout ''whatcha tryin to say bro?" "I'm saying that we shouldn't go there because" "because why?" "because it's still their property!" "Fine," Noah mumbled. "I'm gonna go searching for the others"Sid and meta knight said. "Oh uh i'm gonna go too" King Dedede said when Paul and Noah shot him the go away glare.  Meta Knight and Sid were gleefully walking along the path when out of nowhere a Kirby jumped on Sid saying, "Help a Kirby is chasing me please help me" "wait so you're telling me that I should help you after your kind wiped out mine!?" "yes but basically, but i'm not like all of the other kirbies  I don't eat meat that is why i ran away and now they are hunting me and calling me a traitor!" "fine but you can only stay for one  night and i'll tell you where we live and how you get in". king Dedede and meta knight were still mentally scarred from their traumatic experiences from their history with the kirbys. Sid walked along the path with the kirby being cradled in his arm and let him down on the ground waking him up with a loud gasp and sid asked, "hey i never got your name" "I don't trust you enough to give you my name" "i'll let you stay with me" Sid teased. "Oh-oh oh um i didn-" "you can stay it is fine or at least with me" "okay i'll get my stuff" "but a kirby doesn't have luggage" sid said with a smirk glued to his face. "Then i'll just come up there well first of all how do we get into the tallest tree?" "you just have to pull down on this rope and this elevator lift thingy will come down and you simply step into the thingy and you pull down on the rope and it pulls you-" "can you just not talk and figure out a way for me to get into your room without your friends figuring out that i am there" "well you can't eat any of my food or i will kill you" sid said while the little kirby was gobbling down every noodle.
"Hey!" Sid said when he found out the Kirby was already eating all of the ramen noodles and everything else. "You better sto-" "i haven't eaten in uhhhhhh lemme count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 yeah 6 years!!!! So I deserve to eat all of the food!!!" "how can you survive without any food for 6 YEARS!!!!!!" "we have a thing in our body that allows us to eat one thing one year and in about 10 years you will need to eat again but this is my 6th year and i love to eat and that is another reason that i was-"CREEEAAAAAAK "hey Sid-" "no wait this is not what it looks like this one is nice and it was banned from the other kirbys" "wow bro you started to trust a kirby thet is super buff bro!" "man he is buff" "i know i'm buff!" Kirby responded with a smug smile. " Wow now I think you are overdoing it" Sid said, covering his eyes and the Kirby stopped. After that was done Sid and everyone else went to go take their showers and  Apparently there was a surprise waiting for all of them except for Sid meta knight and King Dedede. "Hey y'all whatcha doin?" the Kirby asked "uhhhhhh A KIRBY IS IN THE HOUSE!!!!!" "Wait, he didn't tell you that I am not IN THE HOUSE!!!!!!!" "no guys wait look at the dog!" "what no why  "Ok fine but you can't take Kirby and run away!" "See ya losers!" and by the time the other people stopped looking at the dog Sid and Kirby were as far away as possible as they could be from their base, well at least not anymore "uhhh so why did you save me back there?" Kirby said with a muffled groan because Sid put his hand over Kirby's mouth. "Shhhhh! I hear someth-'' VROOM a bullet roared while jetting past Sid and the kirby. "We know you are there, we need the Kirby that you have!" "NO!!!" Sid's friends yelled, leaping out of the bushes crushing the guns and pinning the people down to the ground, rubbing their eyes again and again because they couldn't believe that they got beaten by a few children. Noah then put his finger over her mouth telling us to be quiet because there was a faint rumbling noise that they could hear quickly taping the people to the ground and hiding in the bushes looking at the kirbys taking over the men. "! RUN!!!!!" The Kirby clan was soon after them and the small Kirby was soon noticed to be left behind so Noah and the others wobbled back to the site of the traumatic experience and looked everywhere the bushes the house the... wait HOUSE?!?!?!"
Noah and the others peered inside of the house keeping the light on and watching their backs as they peered inside of the mysterious building. The floorboards eerily began to creak and they hid back behind the door so they couldn't see the gang. BOOM the door roared as the mysterious figure pounded on the door yelling, "WHO IS THERE?!?!?!?!?" we quickly ran back to our house talking about what happened then Aarushi heard a boom in the distance and soon a whole other gang was on us we quickly ran to the nearest slingshots and hit most of the people in the eyes with our rocks then we went to the spiky wood and shot that at anyone who got near us that wasn't knocked out, fainted, or something worse. Then Iulia realized that it had just turned eerily quiet then a soldier came out of the bushes to look at their enemy then they realized that the two soldiers got turned into kirbys because of this gang. The man in the armor then yelled, "i don't want to fight you but i came to tell you some info, i wanted to tell you that there is a gem in a hidden cave that has three challenges and if you can finish them then you will get access to the kirby crystal well that is what we called it because that crystal is the crystal that started this war between men and kirbies so you need to find it and save this wor-" a bounty hunter just knocked him out saying "That was CLASSIFIED information"

The End!
We hope you read our next book called Kirby Apocalypse Book:Three but until then byeeeeeee!

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