~ Unexpected ~

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It took Bryce a few seconds to get over his initial confusion and he was staring mostly at the letter in L's hand by this point. L's anger didn't abate with the look on his face and she opened up the paper.

"I read it and it makes no sense, except for the fact that somehow you leaving was my fault?"

Bryce's honey coloured eyes widened and he shook his head, staying where he was near the window.

"Is that what you got from it? No, I didn't mean that... it's just that I was confused about the effect you were having on me and I needed to figure things out. I told you they were my problems to deal with."

L scowled and threw the letter down on the bed. "That's not how it sounds and what do you mean me effecting you? You don't even listen to me and you're constantly lecturing me."

Bryce pinched the bridge of his nose as though in frustration, he walked to stand at the end of the bed.

"I didn't come to talk about this, I had some news to give you but I know you're not going to leave it alone. I actually thought my kissing you would be the first thing you'd bring up but somehow you've managed to surprise me yet again." His tone was dry, like he didn't think her surprising him was a good thing.

She felt a blush creeping up her face when he mentioned the kiss so bluntly and she tried to push it away with her irritation.

"I didn't wanna bring any of it up because it's too confusing to understand and you dodge everything I ask you anyway."

L thought about bringing up what Robbie had said but she didn't want to see how hilarious Bryce would find that idea.

He moved a hand to rub at his face and looked directly at her.

"I know it's confusing, it is to me too and that's why I wanted to leave, so you didn't have to deal with it on top of everything else. I also know I promised I'd let you question and yell, and whatever else you needed to do but not this time. You will get to eventually, I'll keep my promise. I'm just here to check in on you after what happened in the meeting.

"I also wanted to tell you that I found Emilia and Illiana. They're safe and secure with some friends, I told them to stay put until I've found the other traitor. They were happy to hear that you're safe, and I knew you'd want to know that they're alright."

L wasn't expecting most of what he said, it only increased her confusion and frustrations. Though the part about Emilia and Illiana caused her anger to subside slightly.

"I'm glad to hear they're both okay, and what about Folen or the others?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard anything about them but like Vadim said, they'll have their own ways of surviving after an attack."

L frowned at the word 'attack' and her memories of the forest flooded back to her.

"I know how they'd all find ways of surviving, at least I could find out if I wanted but that doesn't mean that's what they did... And how do you know what Vadim said in the meeting?"

Bryce smirked mischievously for a moment, "Let's just say I was listening in on the meeting, I told you I wouldn't be far away."

L's brow creased, "I still don't see why you're hiding out, there aren't that many Elves around, are there? And you must know which ones have connections to Kreleth and his 'master', seems like being out in the open would lure them out quicker."

Bryce took a second to think on it then shook his head, "Elves live for a long, long time and they all have connections to each other in some way or another. It would be hard to single out just one of them as being in league with him. This is the only way for me to find out quietly, and with Walter's help it should go a lot quicker."

Unknown L (Book 1)  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now