Chapter 1:The Man They Call Hit

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"All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy"

The Joker

With Dabi

Dabi:I hope the room is too your liking the boss wanted to make sure that if you accepted that you were well taken care of

Nagant looks around at the hotel room seeing it thinking that this is all just not real she then looks at dabi

Nagant:Its lovely thank you but how can I afford this

Dabi:Don't worry your part of the team now so this suite is good and paid for as long as you stay here until you start making money

Nagant:So that kid that's hit the man everyone talks about in prison I heard how he kills his enemies with no hesitation. Is that true?

Dabi:Yeah it's true the boss is not that bad but piss him off and its your funeral

Nagant:So if I'm gonna be on this team then I need to know who is the other teammate there is you then hit who is the other member?

Dabi:The other member lets see what can I use to describe her 1 word actually crazy she is a cool chick but she is really crazy especially over the boss her code name is vampiress

Nagant:not gonna give me her real name?

Dabi:Sorry you can't just walk in and expect everyone to trust you right off the bat but in time when we feel that we can trust you you will know everything

Nagant:So how many people know about the dark knights?

Dabi:Aside from damian wayne nezu only 1 other person knows about us and that is the man they call stain

Nagant:You had the hero killer in this organization?

Dabi:Yeah he was apart of izuku's team for a while but decided to go solo the boss allowed it seeing as stain is not the type to give out any info on the group


Dabi:Yeah once your a member then you can never give out any information on the group doing that will get you killed no exceptions betray us and you die

Nagant:I see

With Izuku

Izuku was holding bakugou by the throat while the blonde struggled to get out of the greenettes grasp

Izuku:You know I just got back in town to handle some business and was about to take my girlfriend out on a date but you had to come and ruin my plans well thats nothing new since you ruin everything good for me don't you but not this time

He tightens his grip on the blondes throat

Bakugou:(Thinking)What the hell I can't get loose how is he so damn strong!?

Izuku:You know since you did attack me that gives me the right to defend myself after all I won't be arrested right since its self defense

He brought the blonde to his level still holding his throat staring at the red eyes of bakugou izuku then kneed the ash blonde in the gut so hard bakugou coughed up some spit but was then elbowed in the back and sent to the ground hard he then tried to stand but only for his head to be stomped into the ground face first as izuku looked down at him not caring in the slightest he then removed his foot and grabbed bakugou by the back of his collar and lifted him off the ground he was once again looking at the boy's eyes as bakugou's lip was bleed the blonde opened his eyes only to be punched in the face he was then punched in the gut making him cough up soe blood this time he grabbed the boy's head and slammed it into his knee breaking the blonde's nose bakugou was not even trying to fight back because he was still trying to shake back from the earlier hits he was then punched in the face making his head go right then left as izuku was beating the hell out of him he even knocked some teeth out of the boy's mouth the others watching this were shocked seeing this with 1 last punch to the boy's face bakugou was about to go down but izuku grabbed him by the hair keeping him up as the blonde was on his knees

Izuku:Abandned and Abused(Hit Reincarnation)Where stories live. Discover now