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Something Taylor learned very quickly about Travis was that he definitely liked to talk. Perhaps too much, really. After their little bar date, she'd gone back to her New York apartment and he had insisted he text her as soon as she got there. Something about being worried she would get jumped in her bulletproof car. But, regardless, she did and he seemed pleased. Wishing her a goodnight and telling her to call him in the morning.

She was having lunch the next day with her mom, but it didn't stop her from wanting to hear his voice the second she slipped from the sheets. And he talked. God he loved to talk.

"Morning, beautiful."

"You sound like you just woke up yourself." Taylor yawned and moved into her bathroom where she ran the tap water and clasped her hands together to collect some of it, splashing it on her face to rid of the small hangover she had from the drinks last night.

"My ringtone woke me up... Must have slept through my alarm dreaming of you." He spoke, and she could practically see the shit eating grin he had on the other line. It didn't stop her from getting flushed about it.

"You are such a sap."

"You seem to enjoy it. Plus, like I said, I've got to shoot my shot. I've already gotten this far, I'm in this for the long run. Or as long as you'll have me."

Taylor rolled her eyes, pressing ointments into her skin to make it shine. "What are your plans for this New York morning?"

"Talking to you all day."

"Travis if everytime I try to talk to you, you use it as an opportunity to use some sort of pick up line, I'm going to hang up right now."

"Fine, whatever, as long as you stay."

There was a brief shuffling she could hear, like he was finally getting out of his bed with a small stretch. She wished she could see it for herself.

"I can't stay all day, I'm having lunch with my mom."

"Mama Swift right?"

"Oooh, look at this man. He does his research."

"People have been saying Mama Swift and Mama Kelce would make a great pair. Call it destiny."

"I'm sure it is," She grinned, reaching for her straightener to turn it on for the day so she could get ready. "You can stay on call while I get ready, but the second I have to leave, you're off."

"When you get back?"

"Nope. Sorry lover boy, she's staying with me while in New York. She'll be dying to meet you if I even whisper your name."

"People say I have a charm."

"Watch it, remember we are seeing where this goes after a second date."

"Right. Don't worry, I remember baby. Already planning a night of your life."

"You talk yourself up."

"With good reason to. I haven't let you down yet have I?"

"Not necessarily, but i've only met you once."

"And many more to come."

Once her straightener was to the proper heat she sprayed some heat protection on her hands and lathered it through her blonde curls, though they were getting darker. She didn't know if to dye it again like she did during Lover, or if to let it naturally go dark. She was always known as Blondie, was she still gonna live up to that not blonde?

Maybe, I mean some still considered her America's Sweetheart even after the constant songs she wrote about... More explicit behaviors.

She heard Travis clear his throat on the other line. "What's your 'get ready with me' process like?"

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